3.1. Model inclusive practice

Course- Level 3 diploma in care (RQF)

Unit 4 –Equality and Inclusion in Care Settings

L.O 3 –Be able to promote diversity, equality and inclusion.

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3.1. Model inclusive practice

Inclusive practice means that we design and deliver our services in a way that meets the needs of everyone, regardless of their individual circumstances. It is based on the principle that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, and be given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

There are many ways to achieve inclusive practice in a care setting. One key approach is to involve people who use services and their families in decisions about service design and delivery. This can help ensure that services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. Staff also need to be aware of how best to support people with different needs and must have the necessary training and skills to do so.

Achieving inclusive practice can be challenging, but it is essential if we are to provide services that meet the needs of everyone.

The example of inclusive practice above shows how a care home has made sure that they have included all their residents in decisions. This is achieved by involving them, and their families, in the decision-making process. The example also shows that staff needs to be trained and supported so that they can provide high-quality care for everyone.

Inclusive practice is an approach that has been adopted by many care homes. It is important to the quality of services provided, as it means that all residents are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their individual circumstances.

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