- Standard 15: Infection Prevention and Control Workbook Answers
- Standard 14: Handling Information Workbook Answers
- Standard 12: Basic Life Support Workbook Answers
- Standard 11: Safeguarding Children Workbook Answers
- Standard 10: Safeguarding Adults Workbook Answers
- Standard 7: Privacy and Dignity Workbook Answers
- Standard 6: Communication Workbook Answers
- Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, and Learning Disability Workbook Answers
- Standard 8: Fluids and Nutrition Workbook Answers
- Standard 5: Work in a Person-Centred Way Workbook Answers
- Standard 4: Equality and Diversity Workbook Answers
- Standard 3: Duty of Care Workbook Answers
- Standard 2: Your Personal Development Workbook Answers
- Standard 1: Understand Your Role Workbook Answers
- Care Certificate Workbook Answers
Standard 13: Health and Safety Workbook Answers
Course – Care Certificate Workbook Answers NVQ/RQF/QCF
The importance of health and safety is not just for employees, it’s important that all members are aware. One major concern people have about their work environment is the potential risks they face whether on or off-duty which can include things such as chemical exposure or falling objects. For example, some construction sites may require harnesses while wearing them could save you from serious injuries if you were thrown off your feet during an accident – this might seem like common sense but even experienced professionals still fail to do so every day!
This workbook contains many activities. These are:
Types Of Assignments
- Reflective Writing
- Project
- Case Study
- Individual Assignment
- Summative Assignment
- Group Assignment
- Formative Assignment
- Workbook
Activity 13.1a
Identify legislation that relates to general health and safety in your workplace.
For example, there are many laws that relate to general health and safety in the workplace. Some of these laws include:
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)
- Workplace Health and Safety Regulation (WHSR)
- Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA)
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).
Activity 13.1b
Ask your manager or a senior member of staff for your workplace health and safety policies and procedures, describe.
The health and safety policies and procedures, which are written by the company’s management, provide a set of guidelines to ensure that employees are safe at work. The company’s health and safety policies cover various topics such as:
- Health and safety inspections: these inspections can be done on any work related to health and safety. They check for equipment that is not working properly, issues with machinery, unsafe working conditions, etc. This can be done to ensure that there are no hazards in the workplace which could cause harm to employees or customers.
- Emergency procedures: the company’s emergency procedures can be used in case of an accident such as fire, flood or other emergency situation that could cause serious harm to employees or customers. It can also be used in case of an accidental discharge of a hazardous material which could be lethal.
- Safety training: this is mainly done by the company’s management to ensure that all employees are aware of the various health and safety requirements at work.
- Safeguarding: this includes preventing the misuse of equipment, chemicals, etc., which can cause accidents or harm to employees or customers.
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Activity 13.1c
Outline the person’s main health and safety responsibilities in the workplace.
The person’s main responsibility at work is to ensure that a workplace is a safe place for all employees. This can be done by:
- Ensuring that all equipment is working properly, e.g. electric shock, forklift, etc., as well as ensuring that the environment, e.g. air quality, is safe for employees and customers.
- Ensuring that all workers are aware of their health and safety obligations, including:
- Follow the company’s health and safety policies
- Complete a Health and Safety form every time you are required to do so
- Have a thorough understanding of the company’s Health and Safety policies including:
- Identifying hazards
- Identifying the risk
- Preventing hazards from occurring
- Safeguarding of the workplace
Activity 13.1d
Write health and safety tasks that you should not carry out until you have had special training.
Health and safety tasks that should not be carried out until you have had special training are:
- Handling chemicals, e.g. cleaning products, paints, etc., as well as handling powders, e.g. asbestos dust, etc.
- Working with dangerous machinery and equipment such as forklift trucks and conveyor belts
- Handling dangerous materials such as asbestos dust or other hazardous materials
- Working in confined areas such as a small space or a narrow corridor
- Working with dangerous customers/clients such as people who use drugs or have mental health problems
- Working in a potentially unsafe environment such as an earthquake zone or a flood zone
- Working in confined and confined spaces such as a small space or a narrow corridor
- Working with dangerous equipment such as electric shock, etc.
- Working with potentially dangerous chemicals, e.g. cleaning products and paints
- Working around electrical equipment such as transformers, generators, etc., that could cause electric shock or electrocution
- Working in an environment where there is a risk of explosions such as at a chemical plant or oil refinery
- Working in an environment where there is a risk of fire, e.g. an electrical fire or an explosion at an oil refinery.
Activity 13.1e
Choose three types of support or information you could use in relation to health and safety, and explain how to access each one and how it could help you.
A: Health and Safety Information
- The Health and Safety Executive
- Local authority health and safety office
- Your local hospital or GP.
- Your employer’s health and safety office
- Your employer’s health and safety policy
- Your employer’s health and safety procedure
B: Support from your Manager, Supervisor, or Workplace Relations Advisor (WRA)
- Safety First
- Health and safety plan
- Communication
- Written procedures
- Guidance (from your WRA)
- Training (from your WRA)
- Management of risks (WRA)
- Risk assessment (WRA)
- Decision making on health and safety matters (WRA)
- Workplace risk assessment (WRA)
- Hazard identification and risk assessment (WRA)
C: Support from your Trade Union
- Health and safety rep
- Health and safety rep policy
- Health and safety reps training
- Health and safety reps guidance, advice, etc.
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Activity 13.1f, 13.4a and 13.4b
Part i) Write different types of accidents and sudden illnesses that could occur in your workplace.
- Accident
- Sudden illness
- Hazardous accident
- Accidental poisoning
- Accidental electrocution
- Burn injury
- Electrical shock
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Asphyxiation (in confined spaces)
Part ii) Describe different types of accidents and different types of sudden illnesses that could happen in your workplace.
The most common accidents that occur in the workplace are
- Minor injuries
- Accidents involving machinery
- Accidents involving chemicals and products
- Accidents involving electricity
- Accidents involving ladders, scaffolding, and aerial work platforms.
The most common sudden illness that occurs in the workplace are
- Flu
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea.
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Activity 13.2a
For each of the following examples, explain why it would be important to assess health and safety risks.
Example 1: Using a forklift truck for loading or unloading materials:
The forklift truck is used in our factory to load and unload materials from trucks into containers on the floor. The driver uses compressed air in the cab of the vehicle to control the forklift truck and this can cause a sudden noise which can cause hearing loss. If the driver does not wear ear defenders, then the compressed air can cause hearing loss.
Example 2: Using a step ladder for cleaning windows:
We have a large number of office workers who use step ladders to clean their windows. We have many buildings with broken windows so it is necessary to use step ladders to clean them. Unfortunately, the window cleaning process is very dangerous as it involves falling from high heights and this could lead to serious injuries or death. It is important that window cleaners are given safety training before they are allowed in buildings with broken windows so that they know how to do their job safely and do not fall from high heights when cleaning them.
Example 3: Using a chainsaw for felling trees:
We have a large number of trees on the estate so we have to use chainsaws to cut them down. Chainsaws are very dangerous as they can cause serious injuries or death. We need to make sure that chainsaw operators know how to do their job safely and do not cause serious injuries or death.
Activity 13.2b
Using your workplace’s agreed ways of working, describe how and when you would need to report health and safety risks that have been identified.
When working with a team, it is important to use agreed-upon ways of working. This means that you should do things the same way during work hours and for certain reasons. For example, you should report problems as soon as they occur, unless there is a specific reason why you cannot/we cannot solve the problem. In addition, you need to communicate these issues well; this means taking pictures and diary notes of everything going on in order to have hard data on every issue. You also need to take care of your safety while working together; remember not to do things that would cause yourself or the team members health risks whichever individual may be involved in the situation if something goes wrong.
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Activity 13.3a
Write a line to match up the descriptions with the correct legislation relating to moving and assisting.
Working at height legislation:
In the UK, there are laws to ensure that people are not exposed to risk of serious injury or death when working at height. These laws cover everything from working in buildings and using scaffolding, ladders, and climbing ropes.
Moving and assisting legislation:
There are also laws that cover how you should move people safely. This includes lifting people, moving them into cars or ambulances, and moving them into hospitals.
Activity 13.3b
Write moving and assisting tasks that you must not carry out unless properly trained.
You must be properly trained to carry out moving and assisting tasks. You should only carry out moving and assisting tasks if you are properly trained to do so. This means that you must have got the correct training before you can be allowed to do them. It is also important that you are supervised by someone who knows how to do the job safely and does not cause serious injuries or death.
Activity 13.4c
Depending on your level of training and competence, there will be first-aid actions that you are and are not allowed to carry out. Write the emergency first-aid actions that you are and are not able to undertake.
Emergency first-aid actions are actions that you must carry out if you are injured or a team member is injured. These are things like giving emergency care to someone who is having an allergic reaction, giving CPR or using the defibrillator. You should be trained to do these things and use them in the right way. If you have not received the correct training, then you should not do them.
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Activity 13.5a & 13.5b
Describe the key points of your employer’s agreed ways of working in relation to medication and healthcare tasks.
There are a number of different things that you must not do when working in the healthcare industry. These include having or using any medication or drugs, and taking part in any procedure that is not safe. This includes any procedures that could cause serious injury or death.
You should always seek advice from your employer before taking part in any procedure. You should also discuss it with your supervisor before carrying out the procedure and if you have not received the correct training, then you should not do it.
Activity 13.5c
There is are a number of medication and healthcare-related tasks you are not allowed to carry out unless you have received the appropriate training.
These include giving injections, using defibrillators, and using any other device that is not safe. You should also be trained to deal with any emergency situations that might occur because of these tasks.
Activity 13.6a
Have a look around your workplace and make a list of the hazardous substances you have found. Describe four hazardous substances and why they are hazardous.
The first hazardous substance you will come across in the workplace is cleaning products. These are dangerous because they can cause burns and other injuries.
The second hazardous substance you will come across in the workplace is cleaning fluids. These are especially dangerous because they can cause irritation and other injuries.
The third hazardous substance you will come across in the workplace is asbestos. The hazards of asbestos include cancer, asthma, and other illnesses.
The fourth hazardous substance you will come across is the workplace ladders. The hazards of ladders include slipping, falling, and being burned if they are used incorrectly.
These are all types of harmful substances that can cause serious injury or death to people in the healthcare industry. While there are certain procedures that you must follow when working with these substances, there are also procedures that you must not follow. This is because some of these procedures could cause serious injury or death.
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Activity 13.7a
Write measures that prevent fires from starting or spreading. Explain for each measure why and how it works.
People in the healthcare industry should always be aware of the dangers of fire in their workplace.
The first measure that you should put in place to prevent fires from starting is to make sure that there are no open flames or flammable objects around the building. This is because when there are open flames or flammable objects around the building, they can catch fire and cause a dangerous situation.
The second measure that you should put in place to prevent fires from starting or spreading is to ensure that all the electrical and mechanical equipment are working correctly. This is because if these are not working correctly, then they can cause an electrical or mechanical fire, which could cause serious injury or death.
The third measure that you should put in place to prevent fires from starting or spreading is to make sure that there are no electrical cords or other materials around the building. This is because if there are any electrical cords or other materials around the building, they can catch fire and cause a dangerous situation.
The fourth measure that you should put in place to prevent fires from starting or spreading is to make sure that all areas of the building are well lit. This is because if these areas are not well lit, then they can be difficult for people to see in case of a fire.
While there are certain measures that you must follow when working with these substances, there are also procedures that you must not follow. This is because some of these procedures could cause serious injury or death.
Activity 13.7b
Obtain a copy of your workplace fire procedure or agreed-on ways of working from your employer if you work in the private homes of individuals, and describe the different steps to take in the event of a fire.
- Carry out a fire evacuation.
- Verbally alert neighbors of the fire and request their help.
- Ensure that all exits are clear before leaving the building.
- Follow any other procedures or instructions given by the fire brigade.
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Activity 13.8a
Describe five measures that are in place to protect your own and others’ safety and security.
First, you must ensure that there are no dangerous chemicals on-site or nearby. You must also make sure that there are no flammable substances around the building.
Second, you should make sure that all electrical and mechanical equipment is working correctly. If these are not working correctly, then they can cause an electrical or mechanical fire.
Third, you should make sure that all areas of the building are well lit. This is because if these areas are not well lit, then they can be difficult for people to see in case of a fire.
Fourth, you should ensure that any electrical cables or other materials around the building are removed immediately so as to prevent fires from starting or spreading. This is because if any electrical cables or other materials are left around the building, then they can cause a fire to start.
Fifth, you should make sure that all exits are clear before leaving the building. This is because if any exits are blocked, then it can cause people to get trapped inside the building when a fire starts.
Activity 13.8b
Using your workplace’s agreed ways of working for checking identity, explain how you can ensure that no unauthorized person gains access to the premises or confidential information.
In order to ensure that no unauthorized person gains access to the premises or confidential information, you must use your workplace’s agreed ways of working for checking identity. This is because if an unauthorized person gains access to the premises or confidential information, then you could lose important information and your company could suffer a financial loss.
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Activity 13.9a
The signs and symptoms of stress can be separated into three different groups. For each group below give three examples of possible signs and indicators of stress.
The first group of signs and indicators of stress is the physical signs. These are things that you can see or hear that show that you are under stress. The physical signs of stress include:
- Increased heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Sweating, dizziness, or shortness of breath
The second group of signs and indicators of stress is emotional signs. These are things that you can see or hear that show that you are under stress. The emotional signs of stress include:
- Staring into space without seeing anything in particular
- Erratic behavior such as shouting, swearing or swearing a lot, being angry and/or aggressive, being tearful and/or depressed
The third group of signs and indicators of stress is the behavioral signs. These are things that you can see or hear that show that you are under stress. The behavioral signs of stress include:
- Not sleeping well
- Not eating properly
Activity 13.9b
Identify the circumstances that tend to trigger your own and others’ stress.
- Feeling overwhelmed by a situation
- Being under pressure from others
- Not knowing how to respond when you are faced with a difficult situation
- Being overly anxious and/or irritable
- Not having enough time to do the things you need to do
- Feeling that your job is too much for you
- Being under pressure by a deadline or an important event
- Having too many things to do at once
Activity 13.9c
Think about situations that may trigger you to feel stressed. Which ways can help you to manage stressful times or situations?
- Be more assertive
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Be prepared
- Take regular breaks
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