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- Care Certificate Workbook Answers
Standard 6: Communication Workbook Answers
Course – Care Certificate Workbook Answers NVQ/RQF/QCF
Any relationship, whether it is with a spouse, friend, or co-worker, requires some form of communication. It can be important to have someone to talk to about what’s going on and how you’re feeling. It’s also essential when caring for someone who lives alone and struggles with mobility issues. In any situation, communication is key should be regular. In select cases, you might be able to let yourself slide a little bit, but it should always be present and available.
This workbook contains many activities. These are:
Types Of Assignments
- Reflective Writing
- Project
- Case Study
- Individual Assignment
- Summative Assignment
- Group Assignment
- Formative Assignment
- Workbook
Activity 6.1a
Describe how and when different types of the communication might be used.
Communication can be used in many ways, including but not limited to: verbal, written, or digital. It might also be used as a way to communicate with the other person, which is often referred to as “spoken Communication.” Written communication might include things like stories or articles. Digital communication could involve using technology to send and receive information.
Verbal Communication:
Verbal communication could be a simple as just agreeing verbally without writing anything down even if there is nothing said that warrants being written down. It also involves letting the other person have an idea of where they stand with you. Verbal communication might happen in person and it might not involve seeing each others face. People might tend to talk to their coffee cup or sometimes, use writing to communicate certain thoughts, see: Relating To Assistive communication(Writing Letters).
Written Communication:
This is the type of verbal communication where the content would be written but would not need to be verbal in nature. It offers language for specific situations, but those situations might just be personal diary entries. Copies could be made and sent to the other individual or to someone else.
To make it a digital form of communication, one might be able to make digital notes between two individuals and describe what happened based on what was visible in front of them. For instance, if together, speaking to a screen or screen based device, you might not be able to see each others face. Words written might be highly specific and offer almost no additional information or changes from what the current thinking is. Writing a journal entry that is verbal or written would be making note of a situation that would not be accessed through any other form of technology.
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Activity 6.1b
Examples of how good and poor communication could affect relationships at work.
When communication is poor, it can affect relationships at work. For example, if people are not honest and frank with one another, there is a risk of misunderstanding, and an Agreement on the part of both parties could be the lowest. Furthermore, when some people are not able to communicate their understanding fully to the other person, this can lead to conflict or disharmony.
Occasionally, people are not frank with their colleagues, they might keep to themselves or might even try to conceal things, such as their dissatisfaction or confusion. This has the potential to spread and affect their relationships with the rest of the team and for this reason, can cause problems for an entire department. In small teams, it is important that all members express themselves in the present company and are honest with one another, but on larger teams, problems can arise.
When communication is good, it can help to create a positive culture of trust, respect, and co-operation. For example A valuable employee might make an error such as missing his or her shift one day. This causes him or her no real issue since he or she is generally trusted. However, if he or she misses two weeks because of this one mistake, his or her superior will go to the supervisor inquiring about them. This makes it evident that the employee is doing something wrong. If all communications are correct, this sort of failure might not have escalated into any concern. However, if communications are poor, Conflict Resolution will be faced and the failure made clear prompting the company to investigate an appropriate action.
Activity 6.1c
Imagine you are talking to an individual about a change to their care plan. During the conversation, which starts very relaxed, you notice that the person starts getting fidgety and avoiding eye contact. Their body language changes, they turn sideways on their chair so they no longer face you.
1. Why is it important that you notice the changes in the other person’s reactions?
If you do not notice these subtle changes and ask the individual, it will assure there is nothing wrong and things will stay in good order. If you act inappropriately, blame, defensiveness or manipulation can follow.
People are going to have emotional responses like this sometimes during the conversation, even though the emotions may be quite quiet at a given time. This could draw attention to best not happening and cause a split between a manager and an employee especially in Critical incidents and when involved in HR and Disciplinary meetings. If the “Let’s get your point across but do not take this personally” model is working, there will be no reaction suggested in your head or verbalized by the individual, which would suggest other emotions are being discussed. This is because the words are chosen carefully and hence do not stir up emotions of any sort.
2. Why is it important that you respond to the changes in the other person’s reactions?
If you do not respond, this demonstrates that you are interested in maintaining the peace, which also makes arise other emotions because some people can feel they have got what they expected, which could be disapproval. Changes in conversation style indicate potential dissatisfaction; possibly something management has done incorrectly.
Notice when the change levels off and the person starts to become comfortable again, this helps maintain better feelings and communication. This shows that the best possible management for the situation is being practiced. Taking time to acknowledge changes helps bring happenings back into control without trying to push change and thus removing progressiveness- a concept in human resource management.
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Activity 6.2a
Part i)Ways can help you to establish an individual’s communication or language needs, wishes, and preferences.
- Using observation to gather data such as tempo in delivery, compliance with given criteria, listening skills, etc.
- Inputting the data into a spreadsheet: essential information will organize what affects them, can be the development of an “ employee communication chart.” An example of this chart calls for different voices seemingly very angry at each other or agitated may sound very little like joyful when talking about salary or holiday parties for example.
- In an emotion recognition instrument, there is usually two pages to represent norms and classified profile approximation
- Communication styles such as Verbal/Nonverbal are often not developing together in positive ways. The individual may have difficulty perceiving nonverbal cues when the speaker used lots of words coupled with physical signs and gestures descriptive of a combative style, As the negative effect communicated by such a speaker helps to reach their employees.
- People have proclivities and may find themselves in different group roles depending on the type of style their employer likes. All individuals are motivated differently by emotions and tone than words alone. Therefore, it is recommended to use expressive behaviors to convey non·verbal cues and how one wishes the other person perceived words that are believed even seen as imparting a negative message confusion between verbal tone voice and speaking body language at c.
Part ii)Describe how each of the above can help you to establish an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes, and preferences.
Each of the foregoing can be used to help an individual communicate with others in a more understanding and language-related manner. It must be noted that this understanding and language need cannot come from oneself, but rather it is provided by one’s surroundings and family. This communication program should be designed so that it can connect with all aspects of the person’s life, including personal goals, needs, and preferences.
Activity 6.2b
Write different styles or methods of communication that could help you when communicating with individuals.
There are many different types of communication styles and methods. Some can be very helpful while others can be very unhelpful. It is important to choose the type of communication style that will most effectively connect with the goals, needs, and preferences of the individual.
There are three major types of communication styles:
1) Relational style – an individual who uses relational style communicates in a manner that is appropriate for how he or she feels emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
2) Verbal style – an individual who uses verbal style communicates in a manner that is appropriate for how he or she feels emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
3) Nonverbal style – an individual who uses nonverbal style communicates in a manner that is appropriate for how he or she feels emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
There are many different types of nonverbal communication styles. Some can be very helpful while others can be very unhelpful. It is important to choose the type of nonverbal style that will most effectively connect with the goals, needs, and preferences of the individual.
There are three major types of nonverbal communication styles:
- Emotional style – an individual who uses emotional style communicates in a manner that is appropriate for how he or she feels emotionally and intellectually.
- Physical style – an individual who uses physical style communicates in a manner that is appropriate for how he or she feels emotionally and intellectually.
- Social style – an individual who uses social style communicates in a manner that is appropriate for how he or she feels emotionally and intellectually.
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Activity 6.3a & 6.3b
Complete the table below to make a list of potential barriers to effective communication and describe ways to reduce the barrier. An example has been provided for you.
Activity 6.3c
During any conversation or discussion, you would like to know that you have got your point across to the other person or people and that they know or understand what you mean. How could you check to make sure that the other person understands what you are saying?
In order to check if the other person understands your message, you must first tell them what it is that you want them to do or understand. Then, ask the person if they understand what you just said or did. Then, repeat the message a second time and ask again if they understood it. If the person does not understand after asking a second time then that means that he/she did not understand your message and you should rephrase your message in simpler terms for him/her to comprehend.
Activity 6.3d
Think of an individual or group of individuals in your workplace that you might struggle to communicate with. Make sure you respect confidentiality by not using their name. Who could help you with information, support, or services to communicate more effectively? How could they help?
No one individual is perfect and everyone must face different challenges in order to achieve success. Some individuals who are talented in certain areas may find it difficult to reach others because they do not have the same gifts. Furthermore, there will be people who are better at communicating with those below them in rank; those who can communicate most effectively with those below them in rank; and lastly, those individuals whose skills as educators or office managers might be of use to you.
You can use the people in your workplace as a reference to help you understand how you can communicate more effectively with those around you. You could ask them if they can be of any help to you and what they think will be the most effective way for them to assist you.
You could also ask them how they go about communicating with people who are at a lower rank than them; what methods or language do they use when communicating with those who are below them in rank; and lastly, how do they go about communicating with those individuals who are above them in rank.
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Activity 6.4a
Describe the meaning of confidentiality in relation to your job role. You might use your contract or job description to help you.
Confidentiality means the need for some information to remain private at work. For example, in a workplace where work is done in teams, it is important that certain information about the team be kept confidential. In this case, the team leader would not want any of his/her team members to know about their plans for the upcoming week.
You may think that you do not have anything to hide from your colleagues or staff but you can still benefit from keeping certain information confidential. For example, if there was a problem with a piece of equipment at work or if there was a problem with one of your colleagues you may keep this information confidential and not tell them so that they will know what to do and what not to do when it happens.
You might think that certain information is not confidential but it is still important to keep it confidential. For example, information about a colleague’s health could be considered confidential because it could affect that person’s work. In this case, you could ask your colleagues not to tell anyone else about their colleague’s health problems so that the person can continue to work and the company can continue to benefit from the staff member’s efforts.
Activity 6.4b
Familiarise yourself with your workplace’s agreed ways of working in relation to confidentiality. Write legislation and agreed on ways of working to maintain confidentiality in your daily routines.
The legislation refers to any rules, policies, or formal agreement that is in place within the workplace. You may have seen some of these documents if you have worked for a long time at the same place. For example, if you have worked for a certain company for some time, you will most likely have seen their policy about confidentiality.
Agreed on ways of working are informal agreements that are practiced in the workplace and are usually accepted by all the members of staff. By accepting these agreements you agree to respect the confidentiality of others at work. For example, if it is common practice for staff members to refer to each other by their first name and not their surname, then this would be an agreed way of working.
Activity 6.4c
At times you may come across situations where you need to share confidential information, even if the individual doesn’t want you to. Give examples of situations that might happen in your workplace where information might need to be passed on to other key people.
When you are in a situation where you need to share confidential information, it is important that you think about who needs to know the information and that you keep the information confidential. For example, if there was a problem with one of your colleagues at work, you would need to tell their supervisor so that they could help resolve the problem. You would need to be careful not to tell anyone else in the office about this because it may affect the reputation of your colleague at work.
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Activity 6.4d
Imagine one of the situations you have described in the last task happens whilst you are on duty. Who could you ask for advice and support about confidentiality? And how would they be able to help you?
The main point of confidentiality is that it gives people the right to be treated with dignity and respect in their workplace. It also protects employees from being made to feel uncomfortable by other members of staff. For example, if a member of staff was being bullied at work, they would not want their manager to know about it because then the bullying would continue.
There are some situations where you may need to disclose information about another employee that could potentially damage their reputation. For example, if someone at work was being bullied and you knew about it but didn’t do anything about it, then this could damage your reputation as a good employee.
In conclusion, confidentiality is an ethical principle that ensures all people are treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. It also protects employees from being made to feel uncomfortable by members of staff.
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