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CIPD Level 7OS05 Managing People In An International Context Assignment Example UK
Managing people in an international context can be difficult. There are many things to consider when trying to create a cohesive and productive team, such as cultural differences, language barriers, and differing work styles. However, with a little bit of effort and communication, it is possible to create a team that is successful both internationally and domestically.
In this post, we will discuss some tips for managing people in an international context. We will also explore the challenges that can arise and how to overcome them.
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Assignment Task 1: Understand how major strategic and contextual forces shape the management of people in international organisations.
1.1 Analyse the different ways in which organisations operate and trade overseas.
There are three main ways in which organisations can operate and trade overseas:
1. Direct export: This is where an organisation exports its products or services directly to a customer in another country.
2. Indirect export: This is where an organisation exports its products or services to a customer in another country, but the goods are then re-exported to a third country.
3. Trading company: This is where an organisation acts as a middleman between two other organisations, exporting and importing goods and services on their behalf.
1.2 Explain the different ways in which organisations expand their activities internationally.
There are four main ways in which organisations can expand their activities internationally:
1. Licensing: This is where an organisation grants another organisation the right to use its intellectual property, such as its trademarks, patents or designs.
2. Franchising: This is where an organisation grants another organisation the right to use its business model and brand in return for a fee.
3. Joint ventures: This is where two or more organisations form a partnership to jointly develop and market a product or service.
4. Direct investment: This is where an organisation sets up a subsidiary or acquires another organisation in another country.
1.3 Review the major alternative international organisational forms and their consequences for the management of people.
The main alternative international organisational forms are:
- functional organisations
- divisional organisations
- holding companies
- joint ventures
Functional organisations are the most common type of international organisation. They are typically organised by country, with each country having its own functional departments (e.g. marketing, finance, HR etc.). The main advantage of this type of organisation is that it allows for standardisation and centralisation of functions, which can lead to cost savings. The main disadvantage is that it can be inflexible and slow to respond to changes in the external environment.
Divisional organisations are typically organised by product or market. This means that each division has its own P&L and is responsible for its own profits and losses. The main advantage of this type of organisation is that it allows for greater flexibility and responsiveness to changes in the market. The main disadvantage is that it can lead to duplication of effort and increased costs.
Holding companies are companies that own other companies. They are typically used to control a group of companies that operate in different countries. The main advantage of this type of organisation is that it allows for centralised decision-making and economies of scale. The main disadvantage is that it can lead to a lack of accountability and transparency.
Joint ventures are companies that are jointly owned by two or more companies. They are typically used to venture into new markets or to share risk. The main advantage of this type of organisation is that it allows for sharing of resources and knowledge. The main disadvantage is that it can lead to conflict between the owners.
1.4 Discuss major contemporary ethical issues in the field of international management and employment.
The major contemporary ethical issues in the field of international management and employment are:
- The exploitation of workers in developing countries by multinational corporations.
- The use of child labour by multinational corporations.
- The environmental impact of multinational corporations.
- The role of multinational corporations in promoting globalisation.
- The impact of technology on employment.
- The impact of globalisation on employment.
These are just some of the ethical issues that are relevant to international management and employment. There are many others, such as the impact of corruption on business, the role of multinational corporations in promoting economic inequality, and so on. It is important to be aware of these issues so that you can make informed decisions about the way you operate your business.
Assignment Task 2: Understand how and why people management practice varies between different countries and regions across the world.
2.1 Compare the established political and legal systems in major global economies.
There are many political and legal systems in place across the globe, each with their own unique set of rules and regulations. In some cases, these systems are very similar to one another, while in others they can be quite different. It is important for managers to understand the nuances of each system in order to effectively manage people within that context.
Some of the major global economies include:
- The United States of America: The political system in the USA is based on a federal system, with power divided between the federal government and the individual states. The legal system is based on common law, with a strong emphasis on individual rights.
- China: China has a single-party communist government, with power concentrated in the hands of the ruling party. The legal system is based on civil law, with a strong emphasis on social stability and order.
- Japan: Japan has a parliamentary democracy, with power divided between the executive branch (led by the Prime Minister) and the legislative branch (the Diet). The legal system is based on civil law, with a strong emphasis on individual rights.
- Germany: Germany has a federal system, with power divided between the federal government and the individual states. The legal system is based on civil law, with a strong emphasis on individual rights.
Each of these political and legal systems has its own strengths and weaknesses, and managers must be aware of these in order to effectively operate within them
2.2 Appraise institutional arrangements in different countries in the fields of corporate governance, training, welfare and trade unions.
Institutional arrangements vary considerably between countries in the fields of corporate governance, training, welfare and trade unions. In some cases, these differences can be traced back to historical factors, while in others they may be the result of more recent developments.
In terms of corporate governance, for example, the UK has a long tradition of shareholder-oriented capitalism, while in many Continental European countries the workers are more likely to have a say in how the company is run. This can lead to different approaches to managing people within the organisation.
In terms of training, there may be differences between countries in the level of investment that is made by companies and the government. In some cases, there may also be different approaches to training and development, with some countries favouring a more formal, structured approach while others take a more informal, on-the-job approach.
In terms of welfare provision, there can be considerable variation between countries in the level of support that is available for employees. In some cases, this may be due to the welfare state model that is in place, while in others it may be a result of the way that companies choose to operate.
In terms of trade unions, there can also be considerable variation between countries. In some cases, trade union membership may be high and union power considerable, while in others unions may be weaker and have less influence. This can lead to different approaches to managing people within the organisation.
It is important to be aware of these differences when managing people in an international context, as they can have a significant impact on the way that people are managed.
2.3 Critically analyse research concerning the ways in which workplace cultures vary around the world.
Workplace cultures vary considerably around the world. There is a great deal of research on this topic, which indicates that there are many different factors that contribute to these differences. Some of the most important factors include:
The history and tradition of the country or region. For example, countries with a long history of authoritarianism tend to have more hierarchical workplaces, while those with a history of democracy tend to be more egalitarian.
The economic system of the country or region. Countries with capitalist economies tend to have more individualistic and competitive workplaces, while those with socialist economies tend to be more collectivist and cooperative.
The level of development of the country or region. More developed countries tend to have more sophisticated and complex workplaces, while less developed countries tend to be simpler and more basic.
The religion of the country or region. Countries with a strong Islamic tradition tend to have more conservative workplaces, while those with a strong Christian tradition tend to be more liberal.
The climate of the country or region. Countries with hot climates tend to have more relaxed workplaces, while those with cold climates tend to be more formal and disciplined.
These are just some of the many factors that can contribute to differences in workplace culture around the world. Understanding these differences is essential for any manager who wants to be effective in an international context.
2.4 Advise about the major ways in which people practice varies globally.
There are a number of ways in which people management practice varies across the globe. One of the most notable is the way in which different countries and regions approach employee relations. In some cases, such as in Europe, worker representation and consultation are enshrined in law, while in others, such as the United States, they are largely voluntary. This can lead to different approaches to things like job security, pay and benefits, and working hours.
Similarly, there are variations in the way that different countries and regions approach training and development. In some cases, such as in Japan, training is seen as a lifelong process that begins when an individual starts work and continues throughout their career. In others, such as the United States, it is more common for training to be provided on an as-needed basis, often in response to specific skill shortages.
Then there are variations in the way that different countries and regions approach HRM practices such as recruitment and selection, performance management, and so on. In some cases, such as in China, HRM practices are heavily influenced by Confucian traditions, while in others, such as in the United Kingdom, they are more likely to be informed by liberal individualism.
And finally, there are variations in the way that different countries and regions approach employment law. In some cases, such as in France, employment law is highly protective of workers, while in others, such as in the United Kingdom, it is relatively permissive. This can lead to different approaches to things like dismissal, redundancies, and so on.
All of these variations have an impact on the way that people are managed in different countries and regions across the globe. And understanding these variations is crucial for any organisation that wants to be successful in a global marketplace.
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Assignment Task 3: Be able to manage staffing and employment practices in international organisations.
3.1 Design an appropriate international staffing strategy, including for expatriate staff.
When designing an international staffing strategy, it’s important to consider a number of factors. One important factor is the need for expatriate staff.
Expatriate staff can be a valuable resource for multinational companies, as they can help bridge the cultural gap and provide continuity between overseas offices. However, expatriates can also be expensive and difficult to manage.
When deciding whether or not to include expatriates in your staffing strategy, you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Factors you’ll need to consider include:
- The nature of your business
- The size of your company
- The distance between offices
- The availability of local talent
- The cost of expatriate staff
- The difficulty of managing expatriates
Another important factor to consider when designing an international staffing strategy is the role of technology. In today’s globalized world, it’s easier than ever for employees to work remotely.
Many companies are now using technology to facilitate remote working arrangements. If you’re considering using technology to staff your international offices, you’ll need to consider the following factors:
- The type of work that can be done remotely
- The availability of technology in your target market
- The cost of setting up and maintaining a remote working infrastructure
- The impact on company culture
When designing an international staffing strategy, it’s important to consider all of the above factors carefully. The best way to staff your international offices will vary depending on the needs of your business.
3.2 Plan the effective management of talent in international organisations.
An international organisation is one that operates in more than one country. This means that they will have staff located in different countries and may also recruit staff from different countries. Managing people in this context can be challenging, as there may be cultural differences to consider, as well as differences in employment law.
When planning the effective management of talent in an international organisation, it is important to consider the following:
The organisation’s workforce strategy. This should be designed to ensure that the right people are in the right roles, and that there is a mix of skills and experience across the workforce.
The talent management process. This should identify the skills and experience that are needed in the workforce, and identify the people who have these skills.
The recruitment and selection process. This should be designed to ensure that the right people are recruited for the organisation, taking into account the organisation’s workforce strategy.
The induction process. This should ensure that new starters are given the information they need about the organisation and their role, and that they understand the organisation’s values.
The performance management process. This should ensure that employees are given feedback on their performance, and that they have the opportunity to improve their performance.
The training and development process. This should ensure that employees have the skills and experience needed to do their job, and that they are able to progress in their career.
The employee relations process. This should ensure that employees are treated fairly, and that any issues that arise are dealt with promptly and effectively.
It is also important to consider the different employment laws that apply in different countries, as this can impact on the way in which people are managed.
The above are just some of the things to consider when planning the effective management of talent in an international organisation. It is important to remember that every organisation is different, and so the approach that is taken will need to be tailored to the specific needs of the organisation.
3.3 Justify the case for diversity and inclusion in international contexts.
Organisations operating in international contexts need to justify the case for diversity and inclusion in order to stay competitive. A key reason for this is that a diverse workforce can bring a wealth of new perspectives and ideas to an organisation, which can help it to innovate and grow. Inclusion is also important in ensuring that all employees feel valued and engaged, and that they are able to contribute fully to the organisation.
There is also a growing body of evidence which suggests that diverse and inclusive organisations are more successful than those which are not. For example, a study by McKinsey found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians.
Organisations which can effectively manage diversity and inclusion in an international context are likely to find themselves at a competitive advantage.
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Assignment Task 4: Understand effective and sustainable people management activities in international contexts.
4.1 Critically discuss the major challenges facing people practice managers in international organisations
There are a number of challenges that people practice managers face in international organisations.
Firstly, there is the challenge of managing a workforce that is diverse in terms of nationality and culture. This can be a complex task, as different employees may have different values and expectations.
Secondly, there is the challenge of managing employee performance across multiple locations. This can be difficult to do effectively, as it can be hard to monitor and compare performance in different locations.
Finally, there is the challenge of managing talent in an international context. This can be difficult, as it can be hard to identify and attract talented employees from around the world.
4.2 Influence effective communication practice in international organisations.
An effective communication strategy is critical to the success of any organisation, but especially so in multinational organisations where employees may be based in different countries and speak different languages.
There are a number of factors to consider when developing an effective communication strategy for a multinational organisation, including:
- Ensuring that all employees have access to the same information, regardless of location
- Encouraging employees to share information and ideas across borders
- Establishing clear channels of communication between different departments and locations
- Creating a corporate culture that values open communication
The most effective communication strategies for multinational organisations are those that take into account the specific needs and challenges of operating in multiple countries. By taking the time to develop a tailored communication strategy, organisations can ensure that their employees are able to communicate effectively, regardless of location or language.
4.3 Assess the effective management of performance in international organisations.
In order to ensure that performance is effectively managed in an international organisation, a number of factors need to be considered. Firstly, it is important to ensure that there is a clear and concise performance management strategy in place. This should outline how performance will be measured, what targets need to be met and how any issues or concerns will be addressed. It is also important to ensure that all employees are aware of the performance management strategy and understand their role within it.
Once the performance management strategy is in place, it is important to monitor and review performance on a regular basis. This will help to identify any areas where improvements need to be made. It is also important to provide feedback to employees on their performance. This feedback should be constructive and focus on areas where improvements can be made.
If any issues or concerns are identified, it is important to address these as soon as possible. This may involve speaking to the employee concerned, providing additional training or coaching, or taking disciplinary action if necessary.
It is also important to celebrate successes and recognise employees who have performed well. This will help to motivate and encourage others to achieve their best.
By considering all of these factors, organisations can ensure that performance is effectively managed in an international context.
4.4 Justify the need for flexible working initiatives in international organisations.
There are many reasons why flexible working initiatives are important in international organisations. Some of these reasons include:
- enabling employees to balance work and other commitments;
- reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction;
- improving productivity and motivation;
- attracting and retaining talented staff.
Flexible working initiatives can take many different forms, such as flexible hours, telecommuting, job sharing and compressed work weeks. The specific initiatives that are implemented will depend on the needs of the organisation and its workforce.
Organisations need to carefully consider which flexible working arrangements will be most effective in meeting their objectives. They also need to ensure that these arrangements do not disadvantage any employees or create new inequalities.
Flexible working initiatives can be challenging to implement, but they can have many benefits for both employers and employees. With the right planning and support, they can help organisations to attract and retain the best talent, improve productivity, and create a more positive work-life balance for employees.
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