4.3. Work with others to agree on their own personal development plan

Course- Level 3 diploma in care (RQF)

previously known as –

  • NVQ Level 3 in Health & Social Care
  • Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care (QCF)

Unit 2 –Promote Personal Development in Care Settings

L.O 4 – Be able to agree on a personal development plan

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4.3. Work with others to agree on their own personal development plan

Most people want to work with others to agree on their own personal development plan. But you may be surprised how difficult it can be to get everyone on the same page. In order to achieve healthy and productive development, you need to have a common goal, agreed upon by all involved, and support from those who can help. This handout will show you how to achieve this without involving others.

First, you must have a common goal. This is the foundation of any development effort. If you cannot agree on what the goal is, or whether it is even attainable, then there is no point in proceeding. The goal should be something that everyone involved can agree upon as being beneficial to them and the organization. As an example, let’s say that you are a sales manager who wants to improve your people’s ability to close more sales.

You have selected this goal because it will help your team improve sales for your organization and, therefore, help them earn more money for themselves. Your employees may not see it this way at first; they may see it as a way to earn more money for you and the company. This is an example of how the goal is not aligned with the employee’s personal goals. This is why it is important to discuss this with them first and make sure they are on the same page in regards to what the goal is.

Once you have a common goal, you must agree upon how to measure success and failure. You must agree on what success looks like and what failure looks like. If your goal is to increase sales for your organization, then you must decide what a “good” sales month looks like, or else there will be no way to know if your efforts are working or not.

The next step is to develop a plan. You must decide what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. This can be done in a meeting with your employees or you can simply present them with the plan and allow them to ask questions and give their input.

Lastly, you must decide how you will hold yourselves accountable for the goal. Accountability is important because it allows for follow-up and provides a way for everyone involved to know if things are working or not.

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