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Unit 23 Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment Sample – BTEC-HND-LEVEL 4
This unit aims to develop an understanding and knowledge of marketing communications, tools and techniques used. They will learn the relevant hypotheses. Relate this to real-world situations involving product promotions faced in their day-to-day lives.
A company creates and develops innovative products. However, they need to implement suitable methods to promote it to the intended audiences. Every day we come across multiple advertisements in our daily lives. You may wonder how they transform from ideas to household brands or products.
Marketers find it challenging to cut through several promotional plans and augment the brand with their associations.
It helps them to determine whether to set up their own business or be employed by an organization.
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Assignment Solutions of Unit 23 Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated marketing communication refers to integrating different techniques to promote the services and products of organizations to the target market. It is a crucial process that lets the enterprises promote their brand among consumers not only to outperform the rivals but also to survive in the long run.
Promoting the brand boosts the awareness of its products and services, which circumstantially increases the sales of the companies.
Integrated Business Communication (aka IMC) focuses on direct marketing, sales, and promotions that are the key areas of marketing communication.
Clow & Baack stated that IMC incorporates marketing communication tools. The Internet creates multiple communication modes like social media, database marketing, and E-commerce sales. It improves communication between stakeholders and marketers, as consumers spend more time on mobile devices.
IMC is an approach followed by companies to coordinate and their business endeavors across communication channels. It incorporates communication channels in addition to the institution’s sources. IMC combines multiple communication sources. It aims to maintain consistency, clarity, and maximizing the impact of communication channels.
LO1: Evaluate marketing channels and how they meet marketing objectives
This section provides an understanding of the processes that impact product development and menu planning. It discusses the impact of marketing communication within the company. It states how it serves the company, stockholders with a focus on consumers. Students will know about policies and processes that management should comply with while developing and marketing products.
Marketing is the business philosophy. The survival of the businesses depends on satisfying Customer demands and requirements. It cannot be the only goal of the Marketing department of an organization.
Marketing Discipline describes the organization as an integral part of Corporate strategy.
Drucker stated that marketing envisions business from a customer point of view. It is imperative to assess customer requirements and serve them.
Though the marketing function gets conducted by a dedicated department.
The business plan needs to permeate the entire organization. Planning an effective marketing strategy requires close links with other departments of an organization.
Due to the organizational structure, there Is the potential for conflict when developing the Corporate plan.
How does effective communication impact advertisements and product promotions?
- In the world of competition, organizations (irrespective of their nature and scope) are investing whole-heartedly in Advertising. Mass communication plays an influential role in promotion. Advertising acts as a robust tool and helps to promote newly launched products in the market. It increases the sales and productivity of the brand.
- Communication plays a crucial role in improving brand image. It makes the public aware of products available out there. It helps them to make thoughtful decisions about product purchasing.
- Mass communication is an integral part of Broadcasting. Like other forms, there are ethical and social issues associated with it.
- Communictionation is for the populace, and people relate themselves with the medium. So, one should know the positive and negative aspects of advertisements to understand their effect on the public.
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M1: Evaluate how marketing channels remain incorporated within an organization
As the world of marketing continues to rapidly evolve, it’s more important than ever for organizations to evaluate how their marketing channels remain incorporated within the overall business strategy. To do this, companies need to consider how each marketing channel works together to reach customers and prospects, as well as how changes in one channel may impact other channels. Additionally, effective channel management requires an understanding of the customer journey and how each touchpoint can influence the overall experience.
When evaluating marketing channels, there are a few key factors to consider:
- Customer Segmentation: Which customer segments are you targeting with each channel? How do your segments differ in their needs and preferences?
- Customer Journey: What is the customer journey for each segment? How do your channels work together to reach customers at each stage of their journey?
- Channel Integration: How are your channels integrated with each other? Are there any silos or gaps in coverage?
- Analytics and Reporting: What metrics are you tracking for each channel? How are you measuring success?
- Technology: What technology platforms are you using to support your channels? Are they integrated with each other?
- Processes and Governance: What processes do you have in place to manage your channels? Who is responsible for each channel?
- Budgets and Resources: How are you allocate budgets and resources across your channels? Are some channels being underfunded or overfunded?
- Risks and Opportunities: What risks and opportunities are associated with each channel? How might changes in one channel impact other channels?
- Compliance: Are there any compliance considerations for your industry or markets? What policies and procedures do you need in place to ensure compliance?
- Governance: Who makes decisions about your marketing channels? What processes do you have in place to manage channel changes?
Evaluating your organization’s marketing channels on a regular basis will help ensure that they remain aligned with your overall business strategy and can help you identify opportunities for improvement. Additionally, this exercise can help you build a stronger case for investment in certain channels and can help you justify channel budget allocations.
When evaluating your marketing channels, it’s important to keep in mind that no one channel is “right” for all businesses. The best mix of channels will vary depending on your industry, business model, target markets, and other factors. The key is to find the channels that work best for your business and then to continuously optimize and adjust your mix as needed.
P2: Objectives of marketing communications in organizational situations
Marketing objectives and marketing goals are two terms used interchangeably. Marketing goals are long-term plans that get inspired by the vision and mission of the company, whereas marketing objectives that are more specific and measurable using timelines, statistics, or both.
Marketing objectives are measures taken by the marketing departments to meet the marketing goals of a business.
Though marketing objectives are the fundamental parts of business plans, it’s not the first thing that you ought to define. To ensure that the intentions are achievable, you need to understand different aspects of your brand.
Before determining the business goals, you should start with
- Defining the business’s mission: For a business to succeed, the staff members have to work towards a uniform goal. Hence, the business plan should align with the association’s mission statement.
- Plan the company’s situational analysis: Institution’s situational analysis should include internal and external factors. Internal elements include your business that includes workforces and resources. It’s time to conduct a SWOT analysis.
- Analyze market competition: Analyse your market competitors and their current position in the global market. What products do they manufacture, price of services, and products? What are their client acquisition techniques?
It is imperative to ensure that your marketing goals are SMART. This acronym acts as a valuable guide when deciding marketing goals. It not only ensures that business strategies are thorough, but it also helps you to measure them when planning marketing campaigns. You might be wondering what’s the implication of SMART objectives.
- Specific: Marketing objectives should be definite. It should answer Who, what, why, when, How, and where.
- Measurable: If your organizational objectives aren’t measurable, you wouldn’t know when and how will you be able to achieve them. Think about what KPI you should use and what success means to you.
- Achievable: Goals that are either too easy or ambitious might not work for your business.
- Realistic: Consider available resources and your past achievements.
- Timely: Lastly, you need to choose the timeline to verify whether you can meet your objectives or not.
Marketing objectives and marketing goals are tricky terms, as people switch between terms often. This section makes you understand these terminologies while inspiring you to develop future marketing plans that match your company’s objectives.
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P3: Give justification for integration and selection of communication channels
The internal communication team is responsible for conveying information, but they don’t choose the appropriate communication channel. Often, these groups get tricked into obtaining fast information, rather than taking time to decide how well information fits into the marketing strategy.
You should start by identifying how information meets target objectives. Follow this 4-step process to optimize your marketing strategy.
- Incorporate different communication channels as they become popular, and become necessary to meet target audiences. Make a thorough research on customer behavior on social media, and decide which ones are effective.
- Try out different marketing channels, and evaluate their effectiveness before using them.
- Select a marketing mix that is suitable for your intended audience and targets. For instance, you can start with non-conventional channels that are perfect for your employees.
- Use a selection guide to determine which channels are most appropriate for marketing purposes.
A marketing channel refers to a platform or method used by companies to promote their service or product to their intended audiences. The key purpose of a marketing channel is to shift product ownership from producers to consumers. Following are the types of communication channels used by an enterprise
- Social media channels: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more
- Print channels that include magazines, ads, and more.
- Reference channels like the websites, directories that refer to your companies or business.
- Verbal communication transmits information on your company, services, and products offered by your business.
P4: Create a communication plan that matches the objectives of a particular organization.
The majority of businesses start with a SWOT analysis, that involves identifying your competitors. How they operate and getting familiarized with their weaknesses and strengths. Strength is any competitive advantage that helps you to improve your brand image. Examples are low staff turnover, low operational expenses, high consumer retention, and a well-trained task force.
Weaknesses are the factors that reduce the businesses’ abilities to meet the objectives.
Opportunities are the ways for your businesses to grow and increase productivity. It might include addressing customer needs, assessing market trends, and technological advancements.
Threats are a barrier to improve productivity, detrimental political and economic developments, and labor shortage.
M4: Evaluate communication plan that relates to organizational objectives
A marketing plan helps to regulate Check records or restrict access to a particular system. It gets done to take the right measures to align Performance with the standards. A well-structured marketing plan allows a business to meet its long-term objectives. Moreover, a marketing plan can be either preventive or corrective. A corrective business plan addresses the risk or error that happened already Bury, a preventive business plan diminishes the likelihood of error or risk. These are some of the Costing and marketing plan:
break-even analysis: How much sales a company needs to make to generate a profit. In the case of businesses that started recently, there is no gain or loss.
Cost profit analysis: It evaluates and lists costs and benefits to society.
Evaluate marketing plans for an organization.
Understanding how to evaluate a marketing plan, including whether the plan is producing the expected results, can save you money and ensure the success of the company’s growth plan.
The evolution of a marketing plan should start with auditing the marketing plan based on its objective. Here is a list of ways by which you can evaluate the marketing plan.
Market reaction: Responses of the Competitors is one of the metrics to assess the failure or success of a marketing plan. If your competitors are inclined towards imitating your plan, the plan is affecting them and it is working. it
If your plan gets ignored, there might be some problem and it should get evaluated.
Your marketing partners would likewise offer feedback on whether the plan is working. Partner feedback reveals the effectiveness of your market plan to the suppliers and vendors. External members of the team should feel the effects of successful marketing efforts as they have direct contact with the consumers.
Consumer reviews: customer reviews in all their varied forms Can help you realize the responses that your marketing plan can have. Click through rating, customer support feedback
Online user engagement reflects the thoughts of customers on your market plans, and which campaign can have a maximum response. Simple simple questions light how you found out about us reveals to what extent marketing plans affected the customers.
Another metric can measure the effectiveness based on the tools and tactics use In the plan. Ensure that you use the appropriate marketing tool. Choose the media to reach your target audiences and be as precise as possible. Online efforts have more potential to collect responses on customer feedback and the option to optimize consistently.
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