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Unit 26 Supply Chain Management Assignment Sample-BTEC-HND-Level 5
Supply Chain Management is a large and important function in the business world. It is responsible for carrying out requests and orders for businesses, as well as taking care of storage, transport, and customer service. The growth of the global business has led to organizations becoming increasingly reliant on supply chain management in order to keep up with the demands of a global economy.
The purpose of supply chain management is to keep track of the company’s supplies and store them in a safe and secure manner. It includes design, development, implementation, control, and future development stages of the supply chain.
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Supply Chain Management, the management of the flow of goods and services, between businesses and locations, and includes the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods as well as end-to-end order fulfillment from point of origin to point of consumption.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit a student will be able to:
LO1: Apply key supply chain concepts, principles, and processes in an organizational context
Supply chain management is the process of managing a company’s supply and demand for products. Supply chain processes are focused on fulfilling customer demand while maintaining an efficient flow of goods from supplier to end-user, in order to satisfy customer needs. We’ll take a look at some principles that will help you optimize your company’s supply chain.
In the next section, we’ll discuss the 7 key concepts of supply chain management:
- Inventory Management
- Logistics Processes
- Network Design and Planning
- Transportation Processes
- Purchasing Strategies
- Production Systems Design
- Execution and Warehousing Systems Design and Execution.
LO2: Evaluate the importance of effective supply chain management (SCM).
Effective supply chain management is the practice of controlling and managing strategic global sourcing operations in a way that will result in superior value to the company as well as the customer.
The demand for effective SCM has been on an upward trend, especially since organizations are quickly realizing how important it is to manage costs by being at the forefront of innovation, quality, and supplier portfolio strategy. In fact, 70% of executives find visibility into their supply partners’ decisions on product design and research vital to providing confidence about purchasing decisions.
Supply chain management has replaced logistics as many companies believe those in this field possess more skills that are ultimately needed for resilience against the disruption that may cause harm or damage to business operations.
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LO3: Evaluate the interrelationships between the supply chain and other areas of an organization.
When evaluating the interrelationships between the supply chain and other areas of an organization, one must consider how well those two areas are integrated.
The best scenario is when these two areas are not only closely aligned in terms of business strategy but also in terms of structure and systems. This enables a coordinated effort between what ends up producing goods that match customer expectations with regard to quality and price and keeps manufacturing costs manageable.
It’s important to note that a company’s performance largely hinges on its ability to identify common critical success factors across its supply chain. Planning ahead for new orders, tracking inventory levels, controlling production expenditures- all of these processes represent opportunities for growth through optimizing supply chain management.
LO4: Recommend improvements to a supply chain strategy for an organization.
The key to improving a supply chain strategy is to make process improvements. These can be made in any area of the process, such as production, inventory management, and logistics. Many companies have implemented technology into their processes that reduce error rates and help each department work more efficiently.
Other opportunities for improvement include reducing the time of delivery from one location to another or redesigning packaging so it will withstand harsh mechanical handling during shipping without breaking down easily.
Planning ahead for new orders, tracking inventory levels, controlling production expenditures- all of these processes represent opportunities for growth through optimizing supply chain management.
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