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Unit 33-LO1 Demonstrate understanding of the role of different IT systems in support of organizational objectives-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business
Information technology systems make it possible for organizations to manage things such as operations, finances, human resources, and manufacturing. They allow an organization to create and record transactions in their electronic databases or call them records.
Companies that do not have reliable information technology systems are more likely to fail than those that do. This is because they cannot effectively support the needs of their customers or suppliers, manage inventory levels efficiently, nor collect information about production processes quickly enough to see where improvements should be done. The flow of business depends on the ability to electronically exchange documents (such as status reports) with any employees in different geographical locations from a central location; e-mail servers are integral for this communication process because they allow people—even those without an e-mail account—to send and receive messages in a timely manner.
Aside from e-mail servers, web servers are also needed to allow people with Internet access to find important information; organizations maintain websites that function as one-stop shops for the provision of information and support services (such as an FAQs page).
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Also Read: LO2 Analyse flexible and reliable IT systems that respond to organizational requirements
The role of IT systems:
The role of IT in knowledge management, data management, and customer service management
Information technology is the backbone of knowledge management, data management, and customer service it’s important for companies to have an infrastructure in place that can promote cooperation and integration between employees.
The role of IT in knowledge management is to support knowledge workers with the tools that they need to create, collaborate, and share content.
Technologies for Knowledge Management provide business organizations with a competitive edge by making them more efficient and responsive. These technologies include systems for case management, content organization, and presentation, collaboration within the enterprise or externally when needed – like discussions during design reviews – giving accurate progress reports on projects as they near completion.
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The role of IT in data management is varied and also dependent on the size of the organization.
Larger organizations often have dedicated Data Management teams that work closely with departments, developing processes for storing and archiving data; implementing changes to system functionality; setting up standards for naming conventions, etc.
Smaller organizations may not require staff specifically working in this area at all as they are focused more on day-to-day duties and each employee helps maintain/update records as needed or requested by the business owners.
Depending on the industry, various types of storage media might be used to store information – hard drives, flash drives, CDs & DVDs) or media devices. This area of IT is constantly changing and growing; as there are always new methods for data processing and storage, both hardware-based and cloud-based.
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The role of IT in customer service management is to manage the outside technological aspects of client communication while ensuring high-security standards and seamless integration with internally developed software.
IT Services is responsible for the maintenance, security, and development of a company’s computer systems, business networks, applications, and data storage facilities that support day-to-day operation.
Most often they set up new computers from scratch when needed or perform repairs on existing ones before presenting them to an employee. They also design installation strategies for new tech equipment as well as provide training materials.
The impact of IT systems and their contribution to solving business problems
The impact of IT systems will depend on the situation.
Many businesses share data and other financial assets with strategic partners, such as vendors and trading partners. Often, these business negotiations are several months or years in progress. Utilizing IT solutions to document these agreements through data sharing can enhance transparency for all involved parties leading to a better understanding of expectations and transactions between those companies, which can be translated into lower risks that are inherent in this common environment.
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These technologies assist negotiators by preparing them with the information they need so their discussions are more focused and productive versus making it up on the fly during conversations – a time-consuming process that often leads to mistakes being made. This technology supports negotiation professionals by allowing them to spend more time talking about the terms and issues that really matter to their respective organizations while preparing them with the intelligence needed for those discussions.
The impact of IT systems on the functions and structure of organizations to support meeting organizational objectives
Information Technology (IT) systems provide a means to support meeting the organizational objectives by automating and streamlining tasks that “formerly were too time-consuming, expensive, or unreliable to use”. In other words, one of the many benefits of information technology is increased efficiency within an organization.
There are many examples that illustrate how IT systems have been instrumental in increasing efficiency within organizations, including those with very diverse missions such as retail sales organizations; healthcare facilities; news and information providers (e.g., newspapers and magazines); public services including education, law enforcement, court administration, and correctional agencies; governmental entities at the local, state, tribal, federal level and international government entities; non-government entities operating for profit.
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