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Unit 33-LO4 Recommend practical IT systems solutions to given organizational scenarios-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business
In this article, I will recommend practical IT systems solutions to given organizational scenarios.
Firstly, let’s look at a scenario where the organization is in need of an emergency response system.
Secondly, an organization wants to improve its customer service through automation.
Lastly, we’ll examine how technology can be used for staff training and development purposes.
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IT systems support for problem-solving:
Problem-solving using decision-making models (e.g. decision support, group decision, artificial intelligence) and IT systems application
The goal in using decision-making models is to use a process for generating solutions to problems without being drawn into the emotional turmoil of poor decisions. One of the models you can use is Teach, Test, and Transform (TTT).
When faced with a problem or issue, take notice of what pops out at you immediately. Ask yourself if the issues that stand out are good ones or bad ones. If it’s a bad one then remove it from your conscious mind so that it will not taint the decision-making process. Once you have separated the two things return to solving your problem.
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The IT systems application service involves four parts, namely system integration, system details design, program development, and testing.
- System integration is needed when the original object to be integrated is not in a form for use yet.
- System details design includes the structure and data that are essential for the accurate execution of a user’s instructions/requirements or certain operations.
- Program development pertains to how one can put together all the separate outlines or sections in order to make an executable file ready for execution on a host computer/device.
- Testing often requires another software developer with a security background who releases programs without any potential destructive bugs before deployment to client computers or mobile devices.
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The use of IT systems to support the storing and managing of data, information sharing, communication, security, and gaining a competitive edge
Managing of Data
Ever since the invention of computers, information systems have been used to store and analyze data. These computer-based programs allow managers and employees alike to gather important statistics about a company’s production process without being bogged down by manual paperwork. Factories utilize these machines in order to automate their processes so that they can produce merchandise at an increased rate while still maintaining quality control over inventory levels.
Information sharing
An information system is software that helps organize and analyze data. It turns raw data into useful information for decision-making in an organization. Many organizations deal with vast amounts of it daily to keep up with their business operations, but this can be difficult without a solid database management plan or someone skilled at navigating through databases and finding what they are looking for quickly; which is where InfoCaptor comes in!
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The IT network has enabled people to communicate with those in different parts of the world; they can access any information and make quick decisions.
The world has become a dangerous place. Data theft is an issue that plagues the private and public sectors alike, but companies are especially vulnerable because they have so much information from their employees – names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. The data thieves know this better than anyone else does which makes it difficult for them to defend against these attacks.
Gaining a competitive edge
Information systems have become vital for most companies. They allow them to compete with other competitors by maintaining low costs, differentiating products or services, focusing on a market niche, strengthening ties with customers and suppliers – in turn increasing the company’s chances of entering into higher competition markets.
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Monitoring and evaluating IT systems:
Effective monitoring and evaluation of IT systems and their impact on organizations
Effective monitoring and evaluation of IT systems are fundamental for any organization. In order to achieve this, a process should be set up with the following objectives in mind:
- Determine and manage priorities
- Develop an appropriate framework for success
- Implement the process
- Evaluate results in line with baseline expectations or planned benchmarks
- Adjust action if necessary for improving performance and documentation alike
The monitoring will need to be tailored towards your own organizational needs but could include aspects such as:
- Document trends over time of key metrics against target thresholds laid out by senior stakeholders (revenue, customer satisfaction) on a monthly/quarterly basis;
- build reports on demand about any aspect from a range of data sets;
- present the audience with a data-led approach to illustrate the need for change, when needed.
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