Unit 35-LO1 Analyse employee knowledge, skills, and behaviors required by HR professionals-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5

Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business

An Ideal employee has the following knowledge, skills, and behaviors:

  1. has a strong commitment to customer satisfaction
  2. is great at working as part of a team
  3. works well with others to reach mutually agreeable goals, avoids conflict when possible but can be assertive and clear when needed
  4. exhibits integrity in all their actions (not just their words) and work relationships. Has the courage to speak up if he/she sees an Immoral practice being carried out and is willing to say “No!” without fear of punishment or retribution. Expresses disagreement respectfully. Displays empathy for people on both sides of an issue doesn’t try taking another person’s perspective but does listen carefully with an understanding ear
  5. Is accurate and timely in performing assigned tasks, set reasonable goals for self, and meets deadlines with a sense of urgency
  6. Engages in regularly scheduled maintenance activities to ensure equipment is operating correctly and safely by performing inspections, routine maintenance, and repairs; understands manufacturer’s recommendations.

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Continuing professional development (CPD):

What does this mean?

Continuing professional development is the idea that one needs to keep up with the latest developments in their profession through education and training, which way you can restart a career if need be.

Continuing professional development is something many professionals must do every now and then to stay on top of current knowledge, techniques, skills, and tools.

There are many reasons for this: Studying new legislation or other changes, clarifying values or developing intuition through active engagement in colleagues’ thinking; formalizing your informal learning by upgrading your skills, aligning our own practice with industry-wide best practices.”

It’s only natural for an expert in any given field to want to stay sharp and aware of all the newest developments – lest they lose their competitive edge!

How do we engage in CPD?

One way to do CPD within an organization is to create time in the organizational work schedule for team members (through regular meetings, continued professional development plans with measurable goals, providing education and training opportunities)

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Another way is for individual staff members may be to maintain their own “continuing professional development plan”. The purpose of this plan would be two-fold.

First, it would set reasonable expectations for one’s personal professional growth objectives.

Secondly, it would show effort on behalf of the individual to proactively grow as a professional through goal setting and planned actions that support these seemingly reasonable expectations.

How and why should CPD be recorded and evaluated?

Recording and evaluating CPD is a good idea for a number of reasons. It can help keep you up to date with the latest developments in your field, it helps build you as an expert, and it can qualify you for professional development credit from industry groups or certification bodies such as AMBA-CPD or CIPS PD.

Aside from helping to keep yourself up-to-date on the latest advances in your field, recording and evaluating CPD is also helpful because this record acts as important proof that you are continuing to develop your skills over time. This helps build long-term credentials and will often influence board membership. Professional registrations such as AMBA-CPD or CIPS PD sometimes require this type of record in order to maintain your certification.

Frameworks for CPD:

As a means to structure CPD activities and to provide opportunities for reflection and evaluation

A reflective and evaluative is a means to structure CPD activities and provide opportunities for reflection. This article provides an overview of the importance of reflection in clinical practice, as well as some tips on how to do it effectively.

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The benefits of reflection are vast. It can encourage lifelong learning, improve self-awareness, promote empathy, and foster creativity among other things. The most important benefit is that it helps clinicians evaluate their work for potential improvement opportunities or areas that need more attention (see below).

In addition to these benefits, reflecting also increases personal satisfaction with one’s work by providing opportunities for meaning-making around what we do every day. Finally, reflections can be shared with colleagues which enhances collegiality and dialogue between professionals in a field.

Reflective learning:

Consider this as a philosophy and a concept. Using reflective learning to gain a deeper and objective insight into levels of performance in comparison to levels of expectation

In the current context, deep and objective insights into levels of expectation may be gained by allowing for a shift in the environment.

For example, if it’s expected that an employee will need to carry out a “deficient” task amidst “getting ready mode,” then their experience would not likely match expectations. It could be argued that this type of event does not allow for deep and objective insight into levels; instead, it heightens an individual’s sense of exceptionality. If this atmosphere exists, then working towards change is often difficult because any level of success seems to only prompt increasingly challenging assignments.

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In order to gain deep and objective insight into levels of expectation, it could be beneficial as learners move from the workplace (public sphere) to school (private sphere), to separate the genuine desire to learn from the need or expectation for a result. This must be accomplished in languages where the learner is not well-versed, thus enabling self-reflection and analysis of present levels of knowledge.

Feedback for learning:

Using feedback as part of the learning cycle where feedback informs reflection which in turn informs action

A feedback-informed cycle of inquiry can foster a learning environment that is attentive to individual differences and that includes reflection as one part of the continuous process of self-evaluation. Feedback can be the formative tool for giving learners an opportunity to ask questions, reflect on what they have learned, think about how they might modify their thinking or behavior in light of new information, and then take action plans for doing so.

I believe it’s important to consider two dimensions – content and approaches – when selecting feedback interventions. Content-related feedback occurs when we provide information back to participants related specifically to the content or tasks at hand (e.g., through hints, examples, or instructions). Approaches-related feedback nevertheless provides reactions relating more broadly to participants’ efforts, behaviors, or ways of approaching the task at hand.

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