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Unit 40-LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of how to organize and evaluate international marketing efforts (multinational, global, transnational, etc.)-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business
With the growing number of multinationals, globalization is inevitable. With it comes a need for marketers to understand how to best organize their international marketing efforts and evaluate them in order to keep up with ever-changing global markets.
This article will focus on what factors should be considered when making decisions about which types of international marketing campaigns are right for your organization’s goals. Ultimately, the outcome of these decisions will depend heavily on understanding where your target market lies geographically, as well as determining if there are cultural differences that could have an effect on your strategies.
International marketing efforts:
Organization structures in an international context
An organization structure in an international context can reflect the culture and communication styles of the region.
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For example, Eastern cultures often find a hierarchy-based structure more natural than other types of organizations.
In Japan, for instance, companies usually engage in a “vertical employment system” where there are strict hierarchies between superiors and subordinates, with everyone clearly knowing their place.
By comparison, Western cultures tend to have flatter structures with less hierarchy and bureaucracy that emphasizes teamwork rather than individualism. Major corporations such as Google also use flat organizational structures because it allows them to quickly adapt to changes in the market environment, so they don’t get stuck following outdated strategies for too long when business conditions change rapidly today.
Home or international orientation and reporting lines
Home orientation – Reporting to managers closest to the market one operates in.
International orientation – Reporting to functions common to both markets, such as marketing or finance.
This should be determined before placing someone and based on the skills they will need for their role.
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Reporting line – Identifies with whom. It is either placed within the main organization or outside to handle information flow, depending on the situation.
Negotiation and new business assessment in international markets
Negotiating in international markets is difficult because there are a lot of cultural barriers. Not everything aligns with our culture, but there are some similarities that can build rapport and trust to help move things along more quickly: Food: Meeting over dinner? Small talk about the food will often start a conversation on where they’re from. Weather: Point out that this hot country even blazes in your hometown!
Independence Week: Know when it is in their country so you can say how you celebrated during your internship abroad; if not, make sure to ask how they celebrate independence week. Last Names: Obviously if someone doesn’t use their last name or has an unusual name, this might be harder than usual. But it’s worth a shot!
Whatever you’re doing, it’s always good to double-check with your host family. They may have already met/have a relationship with your potential employer and can recommend talking points or give you some insight on why they want to see you in action during a specific scenario (i.e. – customer service interaction).
Assessing international market competition
Assessing the international market competition requires a qualitative analysis that looks at the macro and micro factors of each individual country.
The main qualitative things to look for are
- The size of the country’s population
- level of economic development
- Level of trade/economic openness
- A number of local competitors (companies willing to invest, what products they sell).
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Assessing international market performance
You need to consider many factors when assessing international market performance.
Some factors that should be considered are the size of a company, the economy in the country where it is based, and the strengths of other firms in that region. Large corporations have a significant influence on both their local economies and the global economy – for instance, Walmart’s American operations account for 1% of US GDP.
Small companies might not have as big of an effect on the area. Regions with different economic policies can also affect a company’s ability to do business globally. For instance, Coca-Cola was able to expand into Western Europe during the Cold War because NATO maintained stability there while Eastern Bloc countries were politically unstable preventing Coca-Cola from taking advantage at that time. People usually think of globalization as a major benefit for economies in general.
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