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- Unit 49: Company Law and Corporate Governance Assignment Sample-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
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Unit 49-LO2 Assess the importance of meetings and resolutions incorporate management-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business
People who manage companies need to set goals and objectives regularly. Meetings are one place where this can happen. But resolutions become binding when enough people approve them at the meeting.
These meetings help people in other departments to understand what their work does. It is important for changing and working together more efficiently towards a shared goal. Without this, the organization could change over time without any focus or purposefulness.
Unfortunately, many companies do not take this approach. They use catchphrases like “make us competitive” and “increase our market share.” But no one knows how to reach those goals. You can’t really measure progress because they are intangible goals. This makes it hard for employees to tell which actions will lead to success.
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Also Read: Analyse the process of raising and maintaining capital for a company
Corporate management:
The definition of corporate management, divisions, and functions of corporate management
A company has different parts that work together to make the business successful. These are called corporate management.
Corporate management divisions are groups of people who work in different parts of a company. This helps the company grow.
Corporate management functions are the things that happen to make a business more successful. But when they don’t work well together, it can be bad.
Board of directors, appointment, retirement, disqualification, and removal of directors
A board of directors is a group of people who are in charge of the company or organization. They oversee operations and make decisions for the company. Employees don’t have any say in what happens, with one exception: they can go to meetings. Directors must be appointed or elected by shareholders, which are people who own shares in the company. The directors decide how to manage day-to-day operations, like appoint executives and preside over shareholder meetings, etc.
The appointment, retirement, and disqualification processes happen at meetings of the board. They have different mechanisms for them. To make sure that directors are making good decisions and shareholders are not mad, you should get legal advice before changing anything in these processes.
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Personal liability of directors
Personal liability for directors is different depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the situation. Directors have a duty to protect shareholders, which can be breached in various ways. For example, if directors take too many risks or invest too much money in one sector. However, they can still be prosecuted if there is good reason to suspect that fraud or illegality has taken place.
Qualifications, powers, and duties of the company secretary
A company secretary is a person who deals with all of the legal paperwork and financial knowledge for the company. The duties are many and vary depending on what size business it is because different size businesses need different levels of complexity to run efficiently.
The company secretary has the right to extend voting rights to shareholders who buy shares on behalf of someone else. The company secretary also has to provide notice of an annual meeting when two or more people ask for it. It can carry out instructions from directors under a power conferred by act or resolution of members/directors and must prepare minutes. If the company is required, then the minutes must be registered with the relevant registrar.
The primary job of shareholders is to let the company they are investing in work. Shareholders have many responsibilities.
For example, if you join the board of directors, you need to make sure that everything runs smoothly and that there are no power struggles or breakdowns in communications between departments. The idea is that everyone helps out so the paperwork and operations will run smoothly.
You need to stay up-to-date on the news about your company. This is important information so you know what might happen and can take advantage of the opportunities when they come.
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Company administration:
Rules and procedures for different types of meetings such as board meetings, AGMs, and EGMs
In a board meeting, the topic is agreed upon before the meeting. It is like any other meeting, but it happens more often than an AGM. The agenda for the board meeting has to agree with what shareholders want.
An AGM is an annual event where company shareholders come together and discuss different things that are happening with the company. This may happen in a meeting or writing. The meeting may be about electing directors, financial reports, auditors, or other important issues for discussion by shareholders. The typical topics include planned dividends, the appointment of accountants, executive pay packages or leave requests for key executives.
Extraordinary General Meetings are meetings that happen so often that they are sometimes called EGM’s. These meetings are for people who want to get approval on a special issue.
Company resolutions are important parts of how a company operates. They might allow the company to issue stock, which is when people can buy shares. If the company has 500 shares that cost $100 each, it will sell 25 new shares for $10 each. This means that it won’t own 50% of its own company anymore because it will have 42.5%. As more and more people come to buy stock in the company, share prices may go down even further from their original price of $1 each because now they can be as low as 63 cents apiece, too.
The use of company resolutions is also defined in the articles of incorporation. A person can influence and make decisions for the company. The person may offer a proposal at an annual general meeting or through written correspondence if they have acquired 10% of another investor’s shares.
There are two types of shares issued by companies. Common shares typically have one vote per share, while preferred shares can be voted 10 times for each common share that person has. This gives the holder a much larger voice but also means they won’t get paid as quickly because those rights can’t be sold easily on an open market like their counterparts with just common shares.
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The company issuing the shares, class rights, or dividends is commonly called the “issuer.”.
The process of issuing shares starts with getting permission from FINRA. Then you need to put together a prospectus that has information about the company and its investor prospects. The vetting process can belong.
The process for issuing class rights is to modify the original contract terms you agreed on when you created the initial contract. One change might be restricting share transfers among shareholders at a certain time, which you will agree on during negotiations.
The process for issuing dividends is difficult. It involves making a list of shareholders and then sending them notices. The final step is to communicate with the subject company’s registered agent to tell them what amount was paid and when it was made payable, and to whom. The payment can be either in cash or in stocks.
Audits and record-keeping
Some businesses need to keep records and prepare financial statements. This is so they can report to their owners and make sure that the company has good controls. The business needs to know how they are collecting money and how it’s being used.
An audit is when people check the facts. People can do an internal audit or get someone to do an external one. An audit must be objective, and true, according to procedures agreed on and appropriate standards of quality.
In an internal audit, the company does it. People inside the company do it. In an external audit, you can hire someone outside of the company to do it or you can have people inside of the company do it who are not involved with your business.
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