- Unit 51: Executive Recruitment Solutions Assignment Sample-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
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- Unit 51-LO4 Apply skills for an executive search within a given business context to meet a client brief-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
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Unit 51-LO3 Present the process of executive recruitment and the required skills at each stage of the process-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business
It is difficult to present an executive recruitment process in such a manner that can be generalized across various industries and executive positions due to the many variables, however, there are some general steps. Steps for recruiting executives include
1) conducting the salary survey
2) reviewing the vacancy profile
3) preparing a job position specification
4) advertising
5) reading applications
6) interviewing applicants
7) evaluating applicant suitability
8) deciding whether or not to make an offer of employment
9) Negotiating terms of employment
10) finalizing the offer
11) The subsequent steps depend on how you came into contact with the applicant so they vary depending on circumstance.
Required Skills
Stage 1: Strategizing
Ability to draw a candidate profile of the desired fit, in-depth map of the job market. Ledger of open positions at present and future.
Confidence in making introductions and closing deals. Proven ability to cultivate relationships with customer prospects that result in long-term business. Oven pitch to gauge interest from the target audience.
Stage 2: Sourcing candidates
Qualified intuition on who would make a good match for your position. Coming up with frameworks, or queries, that are specific enough to get you high-quality responses. Creative sourcing techniques, like leveraging open job boards, networking with former colleagues or conducting a more passive job search approach. The ability to identify the key considerations for choosing one candidate over another at this stage of the process:
Stage 3: Screening applicants
The ability to identify red flags in candidates that disqualifies them from moving forward in the screening phase. Skillful manageability of evaluating multiple applications in a short amount of time to determine which candidates are worth following upon. A proven method for setting hiring criteria at this stage so you can make the best hiring decision and avoid mistakes that could cost money, time, or even legal fees.
Stage 4: Interviewing applicants
The ability to select applicants who will return your calls and schedule an interview. The ability to conduct a proper telephone or video interview.
Stage 5: Making the offer
The ability to select applicants who will return your calls and schedule an interview. The ability to conduct a proper telephone or video interview.
Stage 6: Negotiation and Salary
Negotiating terms of employment, hiring salary levels by using benchmarking.
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Also Read: Apply skills for an executive search within a given business context to meet a client brief
The process stages:
Mapping and targeting of companies
Mapping and targeting companies is a very difficult task because there are so many ways to approach it. The most important thing is to identify whether the company you’re mapping is a small, medium, or large business, then determine what your business goals are for that map site and also identify which search engine optimization techniques will be needed for that industry. After all of this has been done, you’ll be ready to start with your marketing plan.
Understanding how each company operates in a certain space is essential if you want to best market yourself as someone who would benefit from their skillset or needs.
Profile hunting and candidate research
Profile hunting is the process of finding someone on LinkedIn with a similar profile to yours. It’s worth pointing out that Profile Hunting provides a list of professionals by profession and location across all industries, companies, and professions.
Active candidates are people who have recently been looking for new employment or signed up for job alerts using an organization’s career site within the last 30 days. Passive candidates are those who have not visited an employer’s career site in at least 30 days but may still be taking steps towards their next role such as networking or gathering information about employers to which they’re interested in applying.
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Profiling and screening candidates
Profiling is the process of collecting and putting together information, such as a CV, to help you evaluate candidates in an interview. Screening is selecting a limited number of suitable people from your profiling list for face-to-face interviews.
Interviewing candidates :
An interview is one way you can get more information about a candidate’s knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. Interviews can be conducted face to face or either by telephone or video conference – whichever way is most convenient for you.
Identifying and avoiding bias
Bias occurs when a decision-maker is influenced by certain personal or situational factors to the detriment of others. These factors may include age, sex, race, disability status, and more. However, there are steps you can take in order not to let these influences cloud your judgment. For example, asking open questions can help you gather data that will eliminate any bias caused by these factors.
Shortlist collation and presenting to brief requirements:
To collate your shortlist of candidates, simply go through your interview notes and compare them to the brief you were given at the beginning of the recruitment process.
Presenting to senior management
Senior managers can be difficult clients, but with a little foresight and preparation, you should be able to present them with what they need. The best way is to use the presentation of facts, rather than opinion.
Negotiation and contract
Negotiation can be a tricky aspect of recruitment. Firstly, you need to understand why candidates are asking for certain things in their contract as it may have nothing to do with money or work conditions. You should also remember that there’s a fine line between negotiation and bullying, a common pitfall of HR professionals.
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To get the most qualified and experienced candidates, the interview process must go smoothly. There are many questions you can ask a potential employee in an interview such as: where they see themselves five years from now, what kind of feedback have they received on their work performance or how do they respond when things go wrong?
Interviewing for your company’s next great hire seems like a daunting task at times but there are some tips we want to share with you before interviewing so that interviews go well.
For example, make sure each candidate has time beforehand to prepare by reviewing the job description thoroughly and researching who will be interviewing LinkedIn profiles; this shows them respect while also making it possible for both parties understanding one another more clearly. Always give the candidate time to ask questions; they should feel comfortable asking them even if it’s not related to the interview itself.
Follow up and evaluation from both candidate and client perspectives
Candidate Perspective:
- Think and reconfigure what you said to incite a lower wage or more responsibility;
- listen for any words that may provoke your interviewer’s interest or their ire;
- be mindful of the body language and facial expressions as it pertains to regional norms.
In some parts of the world, notably Japan, people are taught from an early age not to cross their arms in front of them and always look at the speaker. These behaviors during a conversation in another region can be interpreted as a sign that they’re being dismissive, uninterested, guilty as charged, or upset; and that latter one could lead to a loss of their job offer. So be mindful of your body language and facial expressions too
Client Perspective:
At the end of every interview, always inquire with candidates if they have any questions about the role or company. This shows you not only value their presence but also care whether or not they’re interested and want to learn more.
Always offer a tour of the workplace and ask if they have any family or friends that might be interested in employment opportunities. Treat every candidate as though they’re the person you’re looking for; even if it’s not who you wanted, small talk always has value.
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Different Skills required:
Cultivating relationships with companies and top-level professionals
One of the best ways to cultivate relationships with companies and top-level professionals is by volunteering on their committees or becoming a member of their professional organization. This may involve attending meetings and trade shows, but it also means that you are acting directly in the committee, decision-making process, or community. It becomes clear pretty quickly who has invested real-time into this type of engagement and who is just showing up for events now and then.
Generally speaking, people want to help those they know care about them enough to take an interest in them so make it easy for people with whom you have cultivated relationships to feel valued by doing something like volunteering your help at donor recognition dinners or following up with thank you cards every year after a successful fundraising campaign.
Extensive research skills using new source technologies
Extensive research skills using new source technologies is a skill set and an important one in our modern-day and age where information can be found on several different mediums. It is involving technology that can include the use of the internet, ebooks, podcasts, blogs, reading books online (such as Kindle), articles from magazines or journals, news sources such as CNN or MSNBC.
It involve not only the ability to find information online but also competency in using it once you do find it. Competencies might include analyzing for bias within various sources and verifying credibility with overlapping resources. From here one must have robust literacy including being able to dissect large amounts of text that present mixed levels of quality.
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Coaching and mentoring candidates
Coaching and mentoring for candidates is designed to help more broadly define or clarify the ambitions of our mentees, make connections between their past experiences and life/career choices, and offer guidance on personal responsibility in fulfilling goals.
The goal is always to be a support system for this new professional by providing confidential feedback to objectify difficult decisions that lay ahead. The act of coaching then becomes a support mechanism, allowing students with different backgrounds and cultures to explore different norms throughout the “diversity” process.
Overcoming objections
To overcome objections, remember that buyers respond to specific triggers (e.g., a scarcity trigger).
Draw attention to the prospect’s need and their pain by showing them how your product or service will solve it.
Ask questions constructively − ask customer needs-based questions; discovery is not a time for interrogation. Customers want to feel they are in control so don’t make them answer anything you already know the answer to.
Once you have gotten your prospect talking, then try to create emotional persuasion by using reflective listening skills and matching body language with warmth and enthusiasm in your response. This will build rapport making it more likely for your prospect to buy into what you’re saying which will increase conversion rates significantly.
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Negotiating salaries on behalf of both the candidate and the client
Negotiating salaries on behalf of both the candidate and the client is a more complicated process than many people realize. Thou shalt not negotiate merely for sake of negotiation, but the person must know how to read between the lines in an interview situation. Pay attention to which words are used- what words are being omitted or downplayed? Negotiating salaries should always be seen as a team effort and good employers will think about how they can take care of their employees and help them grow- not just in terms of salary, but also benefits like insurance, retirement plans, continuing education opportunities- all this stuff counts when you’re negotiating your salary.
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