- Unit 51: Executive Recruitment Solutions Assignment Sample-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
- Unit 51-LO1 Explain the nature and scope of the recruitment industry-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
- Unit 51-LO3 Present the process of executive recruitment and the required skills at each stage of the process-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
- Unit 50: Consumer and Intellectual Property Law Assignment Sample
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- Unit 50-LO3 Evaluate the key provisions relating to intellectual property rights-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
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- Unit 48: Law of Contract and Tort Assignment Sample-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
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- Unit 48-LO4 Evaluate the elements of the tort of negligence and remedies available-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
- Unit 48-LO1 Examine the essential elements of a valid contract-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
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Unit 51-LO4 Apply skills for an executive search within a given business context to meet a client brief-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5
Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business
The executive search will entail researching, analyzing, and presenting a list of candidates or individuals with the skills and experience to meet your employer’s requirements. This is very closely related to a Hiring Manager’s day-to-day tasks and produces a similar project management workflow. A typical assignment call would convey that you have become aware of, or are already aware of, an eligible candidate who should be considered for further assessment.
Recruitment veterans should not hesitate but offer their best suggestions based upon industry knowledge coupled with years in the trenches together with insights gathered from their own professional hirings to date. Expectations will likely include identifying qualified applicants across different levels in organizations and industries where they work vs always focusing on one specific functional area only.
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Also Read: Explain the nature and scope of the recruitment industry
The executive search:
Establish the search priorities
Executive search priorities must be established to determine which jobs the firm will focus on when sourcing candidates. Below are some considerations for executive placement agencies to keep in mind as they develop their hiring strategy:
- Business Strategy- Does the company’s business strategy dictate certain qualifications of executives, such as leaders with industry expertise?
- Geographic hierarchy- Which cities should be targeted for recruiting and expansion? What is the rank order priority?
- Organizational needs- What roles need to be filled within the organization and what skills are needed?
- Current skill set- How many experienced executives does your agency have available now and how long will this number sustain if a project runs beyond 5 years?
- Emerging Needs- Which executive positions are burgeoning fastest? If these positions aren’t serviced now, will their growth delay the agency in servicing other needs?
- Market Analysis- How can you determine which market segments or industries are primed for growth or shrinking and therefore demand different skill sets?
- Preparation of hiring managers – The most successful executive recruiters have established good relationships with target companies.
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Setting a legal and ethical framework
Setting a legal and ethical framework is an important undertaking for any organization, and can take many forms depending on the specific needs of that particular group. The keyword in this particular question is “framework,” which means the context or structure you set up around your company’s procedures to create some rules.
In order to convey a sense of order, be as specific as possible. For instance, if you’re writing this in terms of what your employees can do and not do, then that’s different from just writing out general guidelines. Think about the people who are regularly interacting with clients or customers, then craft an ethical policy that reinforces both the company’s reputation and the individuals’ professionalism.
Developing search strategies
Developing search strategies can be a time-consuming process depending on the type and quantity of information you are trying to find. Several components need to be taken into consideration before deciding on which searching technique is best for your research needs. The first thing that would make development more efficient in gathering and organizing your relevant keywords into clusters from which phrases, concepts, or ideas originate naturally to describe and that represent central themes in the research question.
This will help develop more focused queries for narrowing down information quickly and seeking insights in specific areas of expertise. Another step might be focusing on identifying potential sources for information that provide direct and indirect, or embedded knowledge.
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Attracting and evaluating candidates
Attracting and evaluating candidates is difficult because it involves hiring someone who understands the direction in which your company is going, has the skills to do what needs to be done, and displays chemistry that will allow them to work well with existing employees.
A sound process for vetting a candidate should take on average 10-12 hours of work time. This includes researching information about possible hires on Google/social media, position requirements for a potential hire, conducting interviews, and arranging coffee dates with current team members. Factor this into your hiring costs necessary when attempting to find quality individuals that will stay long term in addition to being hired at a lower cost due to less need for training during the early stages of employment.
The head-hunt call building rapport, commitment, and control
Rapport, commitment, and control are three words that can be attributed to head-hunters in the workplace. Taking a job after getting head-hunted, recipients enter a contract where they are the hunted. A pact is usually signed before any negotiations or follow-up conversations. The gist of it all is that a job candidate agrees to take an offer from an organization using indirect persuasion from the hunter in order to secure employment opportunities with this specific company.”
The subtleties involved in convincing someone that their company is worth accepting (or so you think) make for a complicated topic. For some people, it just boils down to making them excited about life at your company or giving them incentives like higher wages or better career paths.
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Present most appropriate candidates
As a recruiter, my first priority is to find the best match for both my client and the candidates – this means being careful about who I interview and whom I recommend. So, here are some tips…
1) Building relationships is key. Reach out as soon as possible to schedule an informational interview with your top prospects on the job board. You’ll want to create a rapport so when you finally reach out about them coming in for their phone screens it doesn’t sound like “another job.” It’s important that they feel good about how much you’re advocating for them before they ever commit any time, energy, or drive into this process.
2) Build in some flexibility This isn’t just relevant during interviews- it also applies to the process of finding a job in general. If you’re an employer, ask for specific information from candidates to help them understand where they stand when it comes down to the final decision-making process. For example, “At what point do I need to hear back about this role?” or “at what point during your hiring process are you going to have an offer ready for me?”
3) Build relationships with your candidates who want somebody who’s invested in them, their future career path and that can show a genuine interest in what they do every day. Keep tabs on how often you’re reaching out/touching base with someone and make sure it feels personal – not like a form email.
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Complete the search
There are many variables involved with the decision to hire a company for executive searches. The first step is deciding what types of executive search your organization requires, which depends on factors such as industry vertical and type of experience required. Rankings is another parameter to consider when searching for the right company to help you with your search; it’s important to choose the best-ranked firm that caters to your needs because that will reduce risk. In addition, one should be cautious about who they hire, how they measure success, and whether or not those measures align well with what you want from an executive search firm.
Continuous relationship management and evaluation of the process and success of the executive search for both client and candidate
Continuous relationship management and evaluation of the process are very crucial for an efficient marketing plan. It helps figure out what a company’s consumers want now and in the future, while staying up-to-date on changing trends in pop culture. It also helps to better understand people by being able to tangibly see how they are reacting to everything that’s happening. In essence, you should be able to learn from the past by understanding what worked overtime. Let us illustrate with a few examples we have picked up from our colleagues at Forbes, namely Jennifer Boyd who offers her expertise with domestic public relations cases, as well as social media specialist Max Azizian who is grounded firmly in this realm of focus.
Executive search is by nature a symbiotic relationship. The client seeks to fill an organizational need and the individual who possesses the skills necessary to address that need. A successful executive search requires researchers willing to work with both candidate and client for a mutually satisfying solution. Business executives need to be professional, collaborative, and confident. They should not expect deference from people they do not know. But they also need to be aspirational.
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