- Unit 9 Promote Effective Handling of Information in Care Settings
- 3.2. Support others to understand and contribute to records
- 3.1. Support others to understand the need for secure handling of information
- 2.4. Support audit processes in line with own role and responsibilities
- 2.3. Maintain records that are up-to-date, complete, accurate and legible
- 2.2. Demonstrate practices that ensure security when storing and accessing information
- 2.1. Describe features of manual and electronic information storage systems that help ensure security
- 1.2. Summarise the main points of legal requirements and codes of practice for handling information in care settings
- 1.1. Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in care settings
- Unit 8 Promote Health, Safety and Well-being in Care Settings
- 9.4. Explain how to access support sources
- 9.3. Compare strategies for managing stress in self and others
- 9.2. Analyse factors that can trigger stress
- 9.1. Describe common signs and indicators of stress in self and others
- 8.3.Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of their own whereabouts
- 8.2.Use measures to protect your own security and the security of others in the work setting
- 8.1. Follow agreed procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to premises, information
- 7.4. Ensure clear evacuation routes are maintained at all times
- 7.3. Explain the emergency procedure to be followed if a fire occurs in work settings.
- 7.2. Demonstrate measures that prevent fires from starting
3.2. Identify barriers to effective communication
Course- Level 3 diploma in care (RQF)
Unit 6 – Promote Communication in Care Settings
L.O 3 – Be able to overcome barriers to communication
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3.2. Identify barriers to effective communication
The most common barriers to effective communication are:
1. Lack of mutual respect. This can be due to a lack of understanding or appreciation for the other person’s background, experience, or point of view. It can also be due to a lack of trust or feeling disrespected.
2. Poor listening skills. This includes not paying attention, not asking clarifying questions, and not suspending judgment long enough to really understand the other person’s point of view.
3. Defensiveness. This is when we become so invested in our own perspective that we start to see any disagreement as a personal attack. We close ourselves off from learning anything new and stop listening altogether.
4. Reactivity. This is when we let the other person’s behavior or words trigger us into an emotional response that shuts down conversation and makes it difficult for either of us to be heard.
5. Rigid thinking. This happens when we don’t feel safe enough with another person to explore new ideas and possibilities, so we cling to our own perspective and shut off any chance of learning something new.
6. Lack of shared purpose. This is when we can’t see eye to eye on why we’re having the conversation in the first place. Maybe one person feels like they are being attacked, or maybe both people are unsure about what outcome they are aiming for with this conversation. Even though it takes two to have a difficult conversation, it’s up to one person to take the lead and help both people be on the same page in terms of purpose.
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