- 2.4 Reviewing available information and making valid decisions
- 2.3 Using factual data, recommendations, suggestions, and ideas in a logical and purposeful manner to inform decision making
- 1.4 Strategies for keeping aware of own stress levels and for maintaining wellbeing
- 1.1 Elements of management decision-making
- Unit 10- Decision Making in Adult Care NVQ Level 5
- 1.2 Values, belief systems, and experiences affecting working practice
- 2.4 Adapt communication in response to the emotional context and communication style of others
- 1.1 Emotions affecting own behavior and the behavior of others
- 2.2 Providing support to engage others in the decision-making process
- 2.1 Evaluating range, purpose, and situation for effective decision making
- 4.3 Prioritize own development goals and targets
- 4.4 Use personal and professional development planning
- 4.2 Establish own learning style
- 4.1 Evaluate own knowledge and performance
- 4.2 Ways in which team members are supported to understand their role in safeguarding children and young people from danger, harm, abuse, or exploitation.
- 4.1 Reasons adult care practitioners need to be aware of national and local requirements that seek to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
- 3.7 Demonstrate ways of assessing the effectiveness of risk management practice
- 3.6 Demonstrate positive approaches to risk assessments
- 3.5 Revise plans to take account of changing circumstances
- 3.4 Delegating responsibilities to others
2.5 Manage and adjust staffing patterns
Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care
Unit 7: Resource management in adult care
LO2: Understand principles of human resource management
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2.5 Manage and adjust staffing patterns
There can be a lack of staff available, which is why it’s important to manage and adjust your staffing patterns effectively. The administration of staff needs to be handled efficiently. There are a few different things that can be done in order to manage and adjust staffing patterns:
Zone coverage: The earlier you are aware of the changes to the staffing patterns, the better it is for your budgeting. By using zone coverage models, you can do just this. If there are times during the week that are busier than others then it would be advisable to look into hiring more staff at these times.
This way you can manage and adjust your staffing patterns as the week goes by. If you are able to predict when these busy periods will be, then it would also help if you were to hire extra staff for those times as well.
Noticeable peak periods: There may be noticeable peak periods during a working day, such as the Friday morning rush hour and the lunch period. Hiring extra staff to work during these times will help manage and adjust your staffing patterns.
Use of different shifts: Some companies may prefer using different shifts in order to manage and adjust their staffing pattern effectively. For example, an evening shift may be useful for busier periods during the week (i.e Friday nights). Whereas, a morning shift may be better during the quieter weekend period.
Relying on overtime to cover staff shortages: Overtime is sometimes necessary in order to get through busy periods of work, but it can get expensive very quickly if not handled properly. Any increase in working hours needs to be accounted for, so you would need to budget extra hours in the payroll (so the staff is paid for it).
Different staffing models: There are a few different staffing models that can be used in order to manage and adjust your staffing patterns. For example, Staff Pool or Staff Bank could be implemented. These are interchangeable labor sources so you only pay for the staff when they are being used. This way it’s easier to budget effectively because you won’t have any ‘useless money’ if staff isn’t being used.
These are just a few possible ways to manage and adjust your staffing patterns.
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