Unit 7 Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings

Safeguarding is about individuals and organisations collaborating to prevent and eliminate both the risk of abuse or neglect and the experience of abuse or neglect. Safeguarding strikes a balance between the right to be safe and the right to make informed decisions while also ensuring that the well-being of adults is encouraged. This includes considering the individual’s viewpoints, desires, and When deciding on any course of action, one must take one’s feelings and beliefs into account: Healthcare and social services. While organisations have unique tasks, each employee has a role to play.

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In the new Care Act, human dignity is referred to as worthiness (including treating the individual with respect). The recent time has stressed the importance of promoting physical and mental health and emotional well-being.

  • A safeguard against child abuse and neglect
  • Control of day-to-day functions, as well as care and support provided to him or her by others)
  • Participating in the directions that have been provided.
  • Receiving some additional skills or education or being involved in employment
  • Nonvoluntary and democratic economic and social well-being
  • Personal and family well-being
  • Appropriateness of home and social environment
  • Selfless contribution to society

People with any level of need or who are assisting should all these needs be considered. We should not think of well-being in terms of greater or lesser value of anyone depending on socioeconomic class, gender, education, physical ability, ethnicity, mental health, social status, marital status, or sexual orientation. A favourable outcome of good well-being can be attributed to each of these factors.

Sometimes, the things you perform at work that you’re charged with preventing harm from occurring can be called labour exploitation or abuse if you don’t perform what you’re charged with doing. It is essential that you know adults’ working methods, as these are likely to be applicable to them. Your policies and processes are designed to guide you in the creation of the Association for safety and quality standards of care. When employed in the healthcare field, you should adhere to the rules set forth in the Code of Healthcare and Adult Social Work Ethics Code of Conduct in England.

1. Understand principles of safeguarding adults

As mandated by the new Act on Adult Social and Personal Care, the council expands the council’s responsibilities; if the charity or organisation believes that an adult is being treated badly, it must research this and report this to the appropriate authorities. Determine what kind of actions need to be taken to be implemented to avoid or halt the occurrence of abuse or neglect, and for whom include the persons who know your child as well as possible on a board, form a SAB, and actively work with each relevant partner to have an independent advocate for your child or, rather than the people who use them. Organisational exploitation occurs when services are allocated solely to the needs of the company.

Instead, this gives rise to more problems in a certain sector because it’s simpler for the organisation to just say that they can decide for everyone when to eat and sleep. Oversight typically takes place if someone is getting either bad or indifferent care at an institution, such as a hospital or a care home, as well as neglect, and especially when in the context of providing care for oneself or someone in one’s home. Depending on how severe the cases of alleged discrimination and prejudice are, some customers may range from one-off events to being subject to persistent mistreatment. Improper formed procedures and neglect could occur because of the organisation’s lack of structure, or ineffective policies and practices could result in suboptimal results.

There are low standards of care regarding employee training, policies, and inflexible routines that harm patients. The Equality Act (2010) discriminates based on traits, which the individual or group has, or the individual or group’s perceived qualities, including race, religion, gender, sex, age, etc. These characteristics apply when someone is being treated unfairly due to his or her race, gender identity, gender reassignment, marital status, age, or reproductive capabilities. It is associated with unwanted sexual advances, derogatory comments, sexual orientation, or other kinds of verbal/related abuse

1.1. Explain the term safeguarding

1.2. Explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals

1.3. Define the following terms: • Physical abuse • Domestic abuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional/psychological abuse • Financial/material abuse • Modern slavery • Discriminatory abuse • Institutional/organizational abuse • Self-neglect • Neglect by others

1.4. Describe harm

1.5. Describe Restrictive Practices

2. Know how to recognize signs of abuse

Every person is entitled to security, protection, as well as a comfortable living conditions free from violence and mistreatment. The victims of abuse and neglect could be residents of residential institutions like the home, or long-term care facilities, such as hospitals and care homes, or even in the community settings such as your own home or your family’s homes.

Whether you live alone or with people, you may need to start anew. In most cases, the source of the harm is unknown, yet there are typically feelings of insecurity when you deal with strangers. Trust and Authority are typically applied to positions such as a health care professional, family member, and neighbours.

It is often difficult to tell whether someone is being abused or is acting the role of an abuser. A person who is being abused may create excuses for why they are bruised; they may not want to be social, may not have money, or maybe unwilling to speak with others.

You should address problems early by saying things like, “I’m concerned,” or “This makes me uncomfortable,” if you suspect that someone you or someone you know is being abused. You must know what they are going through yourself in order to fix the problem; you mustn’t simply wait for them to learn what has happened, expecting that the individual will tell you so that you can be patient and wait for the abuse to continue.

Any negative signs or symptoms that appear in a person with one year of age or above that could indicate the possibility of elder abuse or mistreatment.

  • Losing the eagerness and exhilaration
  • Having an aggressive or furious attitude that has no good cause
  • Dressed for school or carrying herself differently, to one’s self, being unkempt, or covered in dust, or scruff
  • Impairment able shifts in their character, such as looking devastated, as well as sadness and/blubber
  • Physical signs—like injuries that have not been addressed, sprains, bruising, fractures, or untreated sprains
  • An injury happening more than once in the same area or separate locations
  • Not wishing to be neglected or left behind, the participants involved with anyone in particular
  • Trying to hide the fact that something unexpected and arguing that nothing is wrong.

2.1. Identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each of the following types of abuse: • Physical abuse • Domestic abuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional/psychological abuse • Financial/material abuse • Modern slavery • Discriminatory abuse • Institutional/organisational abuse • Self-neglect • Neglect by others

2.2. Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse

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3. Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse

If someone is being abused or if they say something, or if you have suspicions about them, you should do it using the agreed procedures of your organisation. The use of the company’s/your organization’s/the organisation’s safeguarding policy suggests that you have read and been familiar with the documents pertaining to data security. Make an appointment and speak to your manager’s superior if you do not have permission.

If your workplace does not have a named safeguarding officer, you should report any suspicious activities to your supervisor. It is just as critical to immediately get the individual out of the scenario that puts the other person at risk as to attempt to get them away from the one that could hurt. You may need to get in touch with emergency services, such as the police or the ambulance.

It is recommended that one should be prepared to take pictures of all the injuries and preserve the evidence, including the crime scene, as much as possible. Treating abuse promptly and with a greater than what it merits may be necessary undermines your credibility and integrity and could result in you having to go through the entire management chain of command or to an advocate to report it to a lawyer, a social worker, or the police.

3.1. Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused

3.2. Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused

3.3. Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved

4. Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse

One must always work with grownups when they’re in the field, especially if it is a place where they work or volunteer in order to safeguard others. To effectively perform your safeguarding duties, you must grasp the nation’s safeguarding policies as well as the law to stay current with any changes.

It can be hard to keep up with new rules and regulations, which means that you may have to deal with more frequent changes in the legislation. A bill is continuously revised to improve procedures and clarity of guidelines to ensure that the government can comply with its own and citizen responsibilities. Here is what you need to know.

To state this plainly, there are a few policies, legislation, as well as the DfE, has drafted, only a few legislative advice documents issued by the federal government. An important aspect of the management of senior care is keeping these records up to date, which they frequently do, and make sure that everyone is informed.

4.1. Identify relevant legislation, national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse.

4.2. Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse

4.3. Identify factors that have featured in reports into serious cases of abuse and neglect.

4.4. Identify sources of information and advice about your own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse, including whistleblowing.

4.5. Identify when to seek support in situations beyond your experience and expertise.

5. Understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse

Reducing the danger of abuse is likely: working with person-centered principles, limiting the level of risk, and improving people’s well-being. You’re empowering your employees if you let them make their own decisions, help them to be in the decisions they need to make, and allow them to take control of their own safety. The expression “helping people find a balance between risk and independence” expresses the point that managing risk recognizes the effort to find an individual’s will and the opportunity to be free to do as they choose.

The issues that stem from the activity of taking risks are inherent in self-directed care and assistance. providing people with the knowledge and the capacity to avoid themselves from harm while accepting the responsibility for all of managing their own care; assisting with their safety while assuming responsibility for the entirety of their care by providing individuals with the information and ability to evaluate and appraise their risks, facilitating them to allow for them to take their own choices

It’s an important component of person-centered care. It acknowledges that individuals know best what they need and helps them realize their abilities. The more someone has the feeling of control, the more confident they are. The more one has faith in a system, the more open they will be to talking about how it could be improved, whether they think it is right or wrong. The rate of accidental and intentional maltreatment and neglect is lowered as a result.

5.1. Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: • working with person-centred values • encouraging active participation • promoting choice and rights • supporting individuals with awareness of personal safety.

5.2. Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse

5.3. Outline how the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by managing risk and focusing on prevention

6. Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices

Professionals in health and social care have a responsibility to protect the safety and well-being of the people they help. The majority of professions have established good practice guidelines, and failing to follow these criteria may be considered abuse or neglect. Certain principles and styles of working have been identified as “best practise” in all health and social care professions. Understanding what constitutes “good practice” can aid in the detection of abuse or neglect.

For instance, a person may notice that, although wearing gloves, their colleague wears the same pair throughout their shift and does not wash their hands in between duties. Without taking off their gloves, they make breakfast, provide personal care, and write in the hand-over book. Individuals’ safety is jeopardized, and health and social care professionals have a professional responsibility to express their concerns.

6.1. Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individuals

6.2. Explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified

6.3. Describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported, but nothing has been done in response.

7. Understand principles for online safety

Internet safety courses demonstrate to potential employers that you are a confident and knowledgeable user of computers and the internet, which is important in many employment settings. This training is designed to raise e-safety awareness and improve knowledge of the dangers of using the internet. This course is aimed to draw attention to specific areas of concern for internet users, such as the sharing of personal information and the danger of being groomed online.

You’ll learn how to use the internet and think about how people of various ages use it, such as how they communicate and their online purchasing habits. This section also contains tips on how to stay safe when using social media.

You’ll learn about cookies, threats to your safety and privacy, cyberbullying, and trolling, as well as how your personal information is shared online. You’ll also learn how to avoid cyberbullying and privacy dangers, as well as how to recognize the warning signs of internet grooming. It will go over the signs and symptoms of online abuse so you can tell if someone is being mistreated on the internet. You’ll also learn how to report online harassment and how to help victims of cyberbullying.

7.1. Describe the potential risks presented by: • the use of electronic communication devices • the use of the internet • the use of social networking sites • carrying out financial transactions online

7.2. Explain ways of reducing the risks presented by each of these types of activity

7.3. Explain the importance of balancing measures for online safety against the benefits to individuals of using electronic systems and devices

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