1.4 Identify specific tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training

Course- Level 3 diploma in care (RQF)

Unit 8 – Promote Health, Safety, and Well-being in Care Settings

L.O 1 – Understand your own responsibilities and the responsibilities of others relating to health and safety

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1.4 Identify specific tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training

There are a few specific tasks in the work setting that people without special training should not attempt. The following are some examples of health and safety duties that should not be conducted without proper training:

Operating heavy machinery, if the employee’s work has not been assessed by an appropriate authority or they do not have the training to operate specific models of machinery. If anyone is suspected of operating machinery without appropriate training, they should be removed from the area immediately.

Using hazardous equipment such as power tools and forklifts. Employees who are not trained on using these machines should not attempt to use them.

Working with chemicals, if employees are not trained or have not had relevant training to work with specific chemical substances. If anyone is suspected of working with dangerous chemicals without proper training they should be removed from the area immediately and assessed by emergency medical services.

Working with medicines, if employees are not trained or have not had relevant training to work with specific medications. If anyone is suspected of working with prescription drugs without proper training they should be removed from the area immediately and assessed by emergency medical services.

Anyone entering a laboratory environment for any reason should be aware that all chemicals need to be handled appropriately. If anyone is suspected of working with hazardous chemicals without proper training they should be removed from the area immediately and assessed by emergency medical services.

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