8.1. Follow agreed procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to premises, information

Course- Level 3 diploma in care (RQF)

Unit 8 – Promote Health, Safety, and Well-being in Care Settings

L.O 8 – Be able to implement security measures in the work setting

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8.1. Follow agreed on procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to premises, information

When someone requests access to our premises or information, we always follow the agreed procedures for checking their identity. This includes verifying their name and photo ID and also checking for any security measures that may be in place in our work setting. By following these procedures, we can ensure the safety and security of our employees and our organization as a whole.

Make sure that responsibility for checking the identity of someone requesting access is assigned to appropriate staff members, who are authorized to make decisions about granting or refusing access.

If an incident does occur involving someone without authorization, it is best if one person had overall responsibility for checking them, so he/she can be held accountable. The more people who can claim they were following these procedures, the less likely it is that disciplinary action will be taken.

People requesting access to premises or information should be made aware of the security procedures and shown where they need to sign in and out each day.

The more we can do as an organization to ensure that people understand our rules and procedures, the better. If someone knows how these standards apply to them personally, they are less likely to break them. This can be especially effective in conjunction with security guards, who maintain a high profile on the premises.

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