- 5.1 Be able to support others to work safely about health and safety
- Unit 8 -L.O 3.2(e): Describe the importance of food safety, including hygiene, in the preparation and handling of food
- 3.2(d): Explain the importance of maintaining clear evacuation routes at all times
- 3.2(c): Use agreed on ways of working for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to the premises or information
- 3.2(b): Explain principles and demonstrate how to move and handle equipment and other objects safely
- 3.2(a): Demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing and describe what products should be used
- 2.4 Explain how to record and report health and safety incidents
- 2.3 Explain procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur
- 2.2(h): Explain safe practices for storing hazardous substances, using hazardous substances, disposing of hazardous substances and materials
- 2.2(g): Explain own roles and responsibilities as an employee and those of the employer in the prevention and control of infection
- 4.2 Explain how to support others during the safeguarding process
- 4.1 Explain how to support others to raise concerns
- 3.2 Explain own role in partnership working
- 3.1 Explain agreed protocols for working in partnership with other organizations
- 2.4 Explain how to raise concerns, including whistleblowing, when suspected abuse has been reported but the procedure does not appear to have been followed correctly
- 2.3 Explain actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused
- 2.2 Explain actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused
- 2.1 Describe signs and symptoms associated with the different types of abuse
- 1.3 Explain own responsibilities relating to the current legislative framework with regard to safeguarding
- 1.2 Explain how current national guidelines and local policies and procedures for safeguarding affect your day to day work.
Unit 9: Professional practice in health and social care for adults or children and young people
Course: NVQ Level 4 Diploma In Health And Social Care (RQF)
Health and social care professionals are often required to work in a number of different settings, such as hospitals, GP surgeries, residential homes for adults or children and young people. These professionals are expected to be competent in completing prescribed activities within the duties. These are often set out by the Social Services or employers that they work for.
Health care assistants, learning disabilities nurses and community nurses all have different units of work that they must complete during their shift. Employers will expect them to work independently during their shift, however, they are required to follow the guidance set out by their employer.
Skills that these professionals will need to have include: communication, observation, clinical skills, record keeping/keeping accurate patient records, giving medication correctly and safely.
The Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care unit ‘Professional Practice in Health and Social Care for Adults or Children and Young People‘ explores theories, values, principles, and statutory frameworks that underpin health and social care practice as well as the important responsibility of duty of care.
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Being a successful social worker is all about understanding the latest theories, values, and principles that are in vogue for practice within health care. This enables the individual to ensure they always complete their job of work to a high standard and meet the needs of others. Additionally, this ensures that they stay safe and work to the best of their abilities.
The course will introduce the learner to the theories, values, and principles that underpin practice within health care. This includes an examination of their rights and responsibilities in terms of duty of care. Additionally, this unit will also look at how social workers must be aware when changes are taking place in legislation concerning the needs of others.
Analyze theories that underpin own practice
It is imperative for individuals who work in health care, whether they are staff nurses or health care assistants, to understand the theories that make up their work. As soon as they do not understand the theories behind what they are doing it will lead to problems with completing activities and also can place them in danger if they do not understand what they are doing.
For example, if a health care worker is carrying out an activity that is not in line with their practice guidance then there can be consequences for them and the person they are caring for. It will result in the individual carrying out activities incorrectly which could lead to injury or even loss of life.
Analyze how statutory frameworks underpin service provision
In order for health care professionals to carry out their work effectively, they need to be aware of the statutory frameworks that will have an impact on their job. Most professionals will have a good understanding of this as it is part of the legal requirements within their role, however, some do not understand how it links with what they are doing.
For example, health care workers may think that they need to provide services regardless of whether there is funding or not which can lead to problems further down the line. This means that individuals could find themselves working without equipment and also without essential medication which could result in them carrying out activities incorrectly and potentially causing harm to the person they are caring for.
One of the most effective ways to ensure that you are carrying out your activity correctly is to validate it by using theories that underpin health care. As soon as the individual understands what they are doing, how it fits within practice guidance, and its validation through theory then this will be a good indicator for them that they are working correctly.
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Analyze how values and principles underpin service provision
When individuals are working within health care they need to be aware of the values and principles that underpin their work. There will always be specific values and principles that relate to certain activities, however, they need to know how these fit into practice guidance as well as statutory frameworks.
For example, if an individual is giving medication then this has a set value which many professionals will follow; however, they also need to make sure that it fits with their duty of care which is laid down by law. This means that they need to consider whether there is power of attorney or not at the same time as checking whether their own practice guidelines state if it can be given or not.
The best way for staff nurses and health care assistants to remain safe when carrying out their activities is to ensure that they are aware of theories about what they are doing, the value and principles behind it, as well as any statutory frameworks. By understanding these factors it will allow them to carry out activities correctly which in turn allows the individuals receiving care to be treated with dignity and respect.
LO2: Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice
Duty of care within health care is a pointer for staff to recognize the potential consequences if they are negligent in their work. It highlights to them that there are consequences not only for people receiving care but also consequences for themselves when carrying out activities incorrectly.
For example, an individual may be told to give medication at specific times throughout the day or night by another member of staff; however, this does not have any set value attached to it. This means that if an individual fails to do so because he/she did not understand what was required then there could be consequences for the person receiving care and the person showing them how to carry out this activity.
The best way for practice guidance and statutory to remain effective when people are carrying out activities is to ensure that they are validated through theory. If the activity they are carrying out makes sense in terms of what it does, how it fits with practice guidance, and its validation via theories then this will increase the chance of them doing it correctly.
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Explain what it means to have a ‘duty of care’
Duty of care is a legal term that relates to all individuals involved in health care such as doctors, nurses, and support staff. This means that everyone needs to ensure that they are maintaining ethical standards by carrying out their activities correctly. There will always be some form of duty of care within health care which means that individuals must show respect, dignity, and safety for those receiving care at all times.
For example, if a doctor was working with a patient who had a mental illness then the doctor would have a duty of care to ensure that she treated him/her in an appropriate manner. This would mean having an understanding about his/her condition so it could be treated appropriately and not being judgmental taking into consideration what he/she has said.
This is the same for nurses and health care assistants; however, they may not always know exactly what their duty of care entails. This would be determined by identifying what theoretical approach they are using to carry out specific activities as well as making sure that it fits with practice guidance i.e., statutory frameworks which govern how services should be delivered.
Analyze how duty of care contributes to: a. safeguarding of individuals, b. supporting individual’s rights and choices
Duty of care is all about ensuring that individuals who are receiving care are supported by staff. This means that they need to maintain their safety, be aware of ethical issues surrounding what they are receiving, and retain their rights as an individual which the law has made clear should be afforded to them. By understanding this duty of care helps everyone involved in health care to ensure that they are able to carry out activities correctly which ensures people receive the support they deserve for being part of a caring profession.
For example, if a person was receiving blood then it would be important for whoever is taking this blood sample to make sure she/he shows respect at all times during the activity. This includes ensuring that he/she remains calm throughout the process and that he/she asks for consent before taking the blood sample. It would also be important to ensure that they show respect and are not judgmental in terms of what has been said during the activity:
This duty is carried out by everyone involved in health care and it ensures that people receive support throughout which maintains their rights and safety as an individual. This duty also helps to ensure ethical standards are maintained so the outcomes do not become counterproductive. For example, if a patient was told by a nurse how ill she/he looks then this could affect the outcome i.e., how ill they feel; however, if nurses treat them with dignity and respect then this will improve their health care experience ultimately giving better results.
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LO3: Understand how to address conflicts and dilemmas that may arise between an individual’s rights to choice and control and the duty of care
When working within health care it is important to remember that there will always be some form of ethical dilemma which has to be dealt with. This can include issues about how an individual wants their privacy respected or what treatments they refuse even if they may not be the best course of action for their health etc. These dilemmas can be challenging for everyone involved in health care and they must try to resolve them.
For example, if a patient was refusing treatment then it is important that the nurse/doctor shows respect by talking through the situation with her/him. This may decrease the likelihood of her/him continuing to refuse treatment. It would also be important to ensure that all members of staff are respecting his/her privacy at this time because he/she may feel under threat which could make this worse.
This situation can be dealt with by encouraging choice and control by asking him/her what course of action he would like taken while maintaining an understanding of ethical standards within health care (individual rights). By providing this it should help him work through why they do not want to go ahead with the treatment and then try and find a solution together. This will help maintain dignity and reduce any form of risk which could come from feeling under threat.
Explain why conflicts and dilemmas may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights
Dilemmas can arise between an individual’s rights to choice and control because these need to be dealt with carefully. They may feel threatened if they are not being included in the decision-making process but at the same time, they will also not want too much say either. This is because health care professionals understand more about their condition, what could happen etc., which means that they are best placed to make decisions regarding their health care even if this is something they do not agree with. By understanding why conflicts can occur allows them to find solutions together without feeling under threat or left out of the situation.
For example, a conflict may arise if a patient was preventing staff from carrying out his treatment by refusing point-blank to have it done. This can be seen as a conflict because the health care staff would need to show respect by being included in the conversation about what was happening and how they were feeling etc., but at the same time, if this did not happen then the risk could be increased due to the patient potentially refusing treatment completely.
In this situation, it would be important for health care professionals to discuss why conflicts may arise with an individual’s choice and control while also maintaining their duty of care. This is because it will help them find a solution together which does not risk anyone further harm or damage through poor communication or lack of understanding of either party involved.
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Explain how to manage risks associated with conflicts and dilemmas between an individual’s rights and the duty of care
Managing risks associated with conflicts and dilemmas can be done through maintaining an understanding of ethical standards within health care (individual rights) while also showing respect to the individual by encouraging choice and control. By doing this it will help both parties feel more comfortable about discussing their thoughts/wants/needs etc., which is important in finding a solution together without either party feeling under threat.
For example, a conflict may arise if a patient was refusing treatment even though they could die from the condition. This would mean that there were high levels of risk associated with forcing them to go ahead with treatments because this could make things worse for them if they did not want to do it or were too afraid to have it done. In this situation, the priority would be to reduce the risk through encouraging choice and control by being included in the conversation about what was happening.
This will help maintain dignity, reduce any form of threat or risks associated with feeling under threat which could come from health care staff forcing treatments on them, etc., while still maintaining an understanding of ethical standards within health care (individual rights). By doing this it should help them find a solution together without putting themselves at risk because nobody wants this for either party involved.
Describe where to get support and advice about managing conflicts and dilemmas
Where to get support and advice about managing conflicts and dilemmas would depend on the individual themselves because some people may find that they need more help than others. This could be through a family member, friend, social media group for their condition, etc., depending on how connected they are with others who have been through similar situations.
For example, it would be beneficial for health care professionals to speak to an organization such as ‘The Dying Matters Coalition’ so that they can understand the importance of talking about death/dying without feeling uncomfortable or under threat. This is because if healthcare professionals aren’t comfortable talking about these things then it won’t happen which will lead to a lack of understanding between both parties involved.
This is because it will help them understand the importance of discussing what’s going on to reduce any form of conflict or risks because nobody wants this for either party involved which could lead to a failed discussion and potential harm or damage.
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LO4: Be able to apply values, principles, and statutory frameworks that underpin service provision in own area of work
The ability to apply values, principles, and statutory frameworks that underpin service provision in their own area of work would be based on being able to use an understanding of ethical standards within health care (individual rights) while maintaining the duty of care. This is because it will help them understand what’s important so they can maintain dignity for both parties involved which is very important in finding a solution together, without being under threat.
For example, this could help them understand the importance of reducing threats/risks that come with feeling under threat because nobody wants this for either party involved which could lead to a failed discussion and potential harm or damage. This means that both parties involved want to find a solution together without either of them feeling like they’re under threat.
Comply with statutory frameworks that underpin service provision
Compliance with statutory frameworks that underpin service provision can help maintain purpose because it means they have to follow the legal requirements, ethical standards within health care (individual rights), etc. This will also save time resolving any form of conflict or issues because this would take up valuable time which could be used to resolve the situation so nobody feels under threat or risk.
By doing this they would be able to maintain purpose and prevent potential conflicts or issues because it’s not worth the risk if either party feels under threat. This is important because nobody wants this for either party involved which could lead to a failed discussion resulting in any form of harm or damage.
Apply values and principles that underpin service provision
If they’re able to apply values and principles that underpin service provision then it will help them find a solution together without putting themselves at risk because nobody wants this for either party involved. If you apply an understanding of ethical standards within health care (individual rights) while maintaining the duty of care, it should help give both parties ideas about how to find a solution together without feeling under threat or risk.
For example, it could help them understand the importance of reducing threats/risks that come with feeling under threat because nobody wants this for either party involved which could lead to a failed discussion and potential harm or damage. This means that both parties involved want to find a solution together without either of them feeling like they’re under threat.
Contribute to quality assurance processes to promote positive experiences for individuals using care services
Contributing to quality assurance processes can help promote positive experiences for individuals using care services which will prevent any form of conflict or issues because nobody wants this. If they’re able to demonstrate an understanding of ethical standards within health care (individual rights), it should help give both parties ideas about how to find a solution together without either party feeling under threat or risk.
Applying knowledge of ethical standards within health care (individual rights) while maintaining the duty of care, should help give both parties ideas about how to find a solution together without either party feeling under threat/risk. This is important because nobody wants this for anyone involved which could lead to a failed discussion and potential harm or damage.
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