Writing a Dissertation Acknowledgement

Last updated on: November 11, 2021 | George Orwell | 2264 views

What is dissertation acknowledgement, how to write dissertation acknowledgement, where does dissertation acknowledgement appear ? We know there are various questions popping out in your head, but don’t worry. This simplified article is all you need to know about dissertation acknowledgement. So let’s get it started.

What is dissertation Acknowledgement?

Acknowledgement is a part of your dissertation where you are allowed to thank and appreciate the people who helped and supported you in the process of dissertation research and writing.

Where does the acknowledgement page come in a dissertation ?

According to the standard structure of dissertation ,the acknowledgement page appear right next to the title page and before the abstract in a dissertation.

How long should dissertation acknowledgment be?

The length of the acknowledgment page in a dissertation should not be more than one page. As the page is dedicated to appreciate and thank people who have helped us in the process it should not be including paragraphs, just few points.

How to write acknowledgment for dissertation?

There are different ways to write an acknowledgment page. You can start with the basic.

  • You can also mention the person who inspired you during the process.
  • Always write acknowledgement in first-person pronoun (I).
  • Use just write the first name if someone don’t want to reveal their full identity.
  • You don’t need to conclude the page in a paragraph just end it with the last thank you.

Dissertation acknowledgment Example / Sample

I would like to avail of this grand opportunity to acknowledge the immense contribution of my mentor and dissertation writing guide towards completing my dissertation successfully. Throughout the dissertation writing, he stood two steps behind me in every thick and thin of mine. Without his assistance and unconditional help, it would not have possible to complete my dissertation with such perfection. 

I would also extend my gratitude towards my friends who were there in every Topsy-turkey situation through dissertation writing. My friends helped me out on research, group discussion and surveys to reach the reality of the situation. I feel honor to have such dedicated friends who worked as a team to make my dissertation complete and perfect also. 

No words to my family members for their immense moral support and appreciation throughout the task. It was not an easy task to write my dissertation but my family, friends, and guide make it possible by encouraging me in every step. 

Note: The acknowledgement section is mostly informal. So, you can take a step ahead and write it in your own words. Kindly check your university guidelines on acknowledgement to have a better idea.

Whom should I thank in a dissertation acknowledgement ?

You should  thank People who have made your project easy and really helped you in some way during your doctoral research process. It is really important to include the major professionals of your university like your Professor and supervisor (even if they had minimal role in your research process)

Types of dissertation Acknowledgement  

Dissertation Acknowledgement is of two types Professional and personal

1. In Professional

  • Funders( If Any)
  • You acknowledge your Supervisor
  • Professors
  • LAB assistants
  • Colleagues
  • Project partners etc.

 2. In Personal

  • You acknowledge your friends
  • Family members

What is Standard sequence of thanking ?

The Thanking sequence must be in the  following manner:

    1. The funding person of your project (if any)
    2. The Supervisor
    3. The professor
    4. LAB assistants
    5. Colleagues
    6. Project partners
    7. Family
    8. Friends


Q1. Can dissertation acknowledgements be funny ?

An acknowledgments page is a part of your serious research and hard work. It will be presented in front of a jury of professional. It is more likely to give a wrong impressions if you choose to write it in a funny way. If it is for a personal use then it can be written in a humorous way

Q2.  Can I use first person to write acknowledgement ?

Unless it is a group project, you should use first person to acknowledge people. It is way  of showing love and respect to the people who have helped in your research and writing project.

Q3 How do I thank my family for Acknowledgement?

You can acknowledge your family in a very simple yet effective way. for example:
“I am glad that I had support of  my brother and sister,, who were always there for me as a friend and eased my learning process”

So, Now you are all set to write a great Acknowledgement page for you dissertation. Go ahead and score.

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