Writing a Dissertation Proposal
Writing a dissertation or research proposal is a most confusing and exhausting process sometimes but no more. We have simplified the process of writing a dissertation proposal in a precise way in your dissertation writing.

What is a dissertation proposal?
A dissertation proposal is a document that consists of the aim and objectives of our dissertation, thesis, or research paper. It has to be written in a particular format to be more effective which we will be discussing further in this article.
What is the motive of the dissertation proposal?
A dissertation proposal is generally written as a proposal to the supervisor or the funding bodies to show our object, aim, and scope of the research. The dissertation proposal includes how this research will contribute to the particular field and how it can help future studies or how they bridge the gaps in earlier studies.
Some university asks for the dissertation proposal so that they can check your field of interest, existing knowledge, and research methodology and also it helps them in assigning a supervisor to your dissertation project. Funding bodies judge you on your dissertation proposal whether they should take it forward with you or not.
So, now you know the proposal of the dissertation proposal, let’s move forward.
How to write a dissertation proposal?
The structure of your dissertation proposal depends upon the field of your study and it’s content. Generally, the structure of your dissertation is in the following way:
1.Title page
The title page of your dissertation proposal includes
- The title of your dissertation
- Name of the supervisor
- Name of the department
- University logo
- Student enrollment number
Some university has strict guidelines on the title page so make sure your check before writing one.
2. Introduction
The introduction of the dissertation includes the brief introduction of your dissertation followed by some context of the same. You can include your existing knowledge after doing some preliminary study. This will show how much you already know about what you’re going to write a dissertation about.
Inclusion or mentioning of the people to whom the dissertation will interest. For eg: Scientists, Humanity students, etc. This also interests the reader the audience of your dissertation. Lastly, including your research question is crucial to set and show your aim and object of the research
3. Literature Review
The literature review section of your dissertation proposal will consist of the knowledge you already have and gained by reading and doing preliminary research and reading. This also shows the theoretical knowledge. This is the opportunity to tell the reader about how familiar you are with the research question and field you are writing a dissertation about which will help you in contributing to the field.
4. Methodology or Design of research
Methodology defines the approach of your dissertation has to be discussed in this part of your dissertation proposal. The methods you’ll be practicing to gain the outcomes and the practical approach by which you’ll be answering the research question. This part shows the practicality of the dissertation as you mention the research methods and type which helps in gaining confidence in the readers.
5. Application
The Scope of the study is to be discussed here because without the proper implication of any dissertation of the research paper the efforts do not make any sense in the last. The application of the research is important. Your dissertation might be confirming or developing an existing study and it might be challenging the current assumption and that has to be shown to the reader in this part of your proposal. Also, make sure you create a base for further research and study.
A reference list or bibliography should be included in your proposal. The various university has different guidelines on the style of writing reference list or bibliography. Kindly, check that before writing.
7.Research Schedule
This is not generally used section but it is suggested to be included. It consists of the research time which will be needed to complete a particular section of your dissertation. For example, you need 1 week for the interview which is going to be taken on the field and 15 days for the surveys. So this information has to be included in this section. Similarly the budget of the research like conveyance cost for the interviews and surveys and any additional cost which will be required during the research or dissertation process.
So, now as you know how to write the dissertation proposal. You can write effective dissertation proposals by keep these 7 easy step in mind.