English Literature Dissertation Ideas 2025 UK

Last updated on: February 4, 2025 | George Orwell | 3453 views

One of the great essayists John Milton once said “Literature is the mirror of society” and students of literature have to understand society with the mirror of literature. In order to show their capability of interpreting literature better, we can say reviewing the literature is seen in the English Dissertation Topics given to them.

Most universities ask their students to first find an innovative and helpful topic for their dissertation and then write their though on the topic by substantiating them with valid reasons.

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Taking Dissertation Assignments Help, in this case, become very essential to meet the needs of getting a good topic for a dissertation in literature. Here are some suggestions for the students to write their dissertation on the following list of topics by choosing the best for them.

Latest Dissertation Ideas on the Interpretation of Various Texts

  1. Unveiling Stream-of-Consciousness: Narrative Techniques in the Works of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce
  2. Symbolic Shadows: The Role of Symbolism in Gothic Literature through Edgar Allan Poe and Mary Shelley
  3. Layers of Meaning: Intertextuality in Postmodern Fiction with a Focus on Thomas Pynchon’s Novels
  4. Mythic Resonance: The Adaptation of Mythological Themes in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Gaiman’s American Gods
  5. Classical Gender Constructs: A Comparative Analysis of Gender Roles in Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey
  6. Political Echoes: Analyzing Allegorical Techniques in Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World
  7. Theology in Metaphor: A Study of Metaphors in the Bible and Their Theological Implications
  8. Colonial Narratives: Deconstructing Identity in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
  9. The Power of Silence: Analyzing the Use of Silence as a Narrative Device in the Works of Samuel Beckett
  10. The Interplay of Reality and Fantasy: Examining Magical Realism in the Works of Gabriel García Márquez
  11. Rhetorical Strategies in Classical Oratory: A Study of Persuasion in the Speeches of Cicero
  12. The Semiotics of Power: Analyzing Symbols of Authority in Shakespeare’s History Plays

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  1. Tragic Heroes and Their Flaws: Analyzing the Classical Archetype in Shakespearean Tragedies
  2. The Evolution of the Gothic Novel: A Comparative Study of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Bram Stoker’s Dracula
  3. Realism in Nineteenth-Century French Literature: A Study of Honoré de Balzac and Gustave Flaubert
  4. Victorian Morality in Literature: A Comparative Analysis of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy
  5. The Role of Nature in Romantic Poetry: Analyzing the Works of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  6. Existential Themes in Modernist Literature: A Study of Franz Kafka’s The Trial and Albert Camus’ The Stranger
  7. The Conflict of Tradition and Modernity: Analyzing Chinua Achebe’s No Longer at Ease and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s The River Between
  8. The Female Gothic: Analyzing the Role of Women in Gothic Literature with a Focus on Ann Radcliffe and Charlotte Brontë
  9. Postcolonial Identity in Caribbean Literature: A Study of Derek Walcott and V.S. Naipaul
  10. The Legacy of Colonialism in African Literature: Analyzing the Works of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o and Wole Soyinka
  11. The Quest for Identity in American Literature: A Comparative Study of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and Toni Morrison’s Beloved

Recent Ideas for Dissertation on Literature Connected with Society and Its Issues

  1. The Impact of Social Class on Character Development in Victorian Literature
  2. Feminism in Contemporary Literature: A Study of Gender Roles in the Works of Margaret Atwood and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  3. The Portrayal of Mental Illness in Modern Fiction: Analyzing Narratives of Depression and Anxiety
  4. The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception: A Study of Dystopian Fiction and Its Reflection on Society
  5. Immigration and Identity: Analyzing the Experience of Diaspora in Contemporary American Literature
  6. The Influence of War on Literature: A Comparative Study of World War I and II Narratives
  7. Environmental Concerns in Modern Literature: Analyzing the Role of Nature in Climate Fiction
  8. The Role of Religion in Shaping Cultural Narratives: Analyzing the Influence of Faith in Global Literature
  9. Literature as Social Commentary: A Study of Satirical Techniques in the Works of George Orwell and Jonathan Swift
  10. The Impact of Urbanization on Literature: Analyzing the Depiction of City Life in Modern Fiction

Struggling to Find a Great Dissertation Topic?

How Literature Dissertation is Imparting Role for Society Welfare

Students of literature are connected to society with a deep bond and when they will write their dissertation, the ground visit will help them to know the realities and issues prevalent. By depicting these bad practices of the society in literature new policies could be framed by the government to stop bad practices of society.

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