First Meeting with Dissertation Supervisor
The preparation of the plan for the first meeting with the supervisor is very beneficial in terms of saving time. Students pursuing graduation often have questions related to the first meeting with the supervisor. In this article, our UK assignment writing experts are providing the proper guideline related to the first meeting with the supervisor.
The schedule of the first meeting with a supervisor can be structure by the synopsis. You need to first send synopsis in advance. As it is the technique which will help your dissertation supervisor in scrutinizing issue and finding that whether specific issues is feasible and relevant or not.
The graduate supervisor will also analyze whether there is a relationship present knowledge, problem statement, research objectives and research methodology.
Before having the first meeting with a supervisor you can expect that the supervisor which you have to choose will support you in gaining the knowledge about a particular subject. You can assume that you have made a selection of a good supervisor.
It means that you can expect that the supervisor whom you have selected will help you in writing a problem statement for the research paper. They would help you in making adjustments in research objectives and will suggest you with better research methodology for achieving desired research objectives.
It is very much essential for you to match your expectations with that of your supervisor at the time of the first meeting. As it is the tactics that will help you in developing a strong relationship with your supervisor.

Before preparing the agenda and synopsis for your first meeting with your supervisor you need to consider the following such as how many times will you meet, how many times will supervisor read your synopsis and what kind of comments you can expect? What does your supervisor expect of you and how ambitious are you?
What discussion to have with the supervisor at the first meeting?
The points you should discuss during the first meeting with the supervisor include:
a) Analyze the expectation of the researcher and Professor
At this step, you need to do Identification researcher requirements and working methods of professors. Do students generally have questions about what to ask from the supervisor during the first meeting? The answer to the question is that
At the initial phase of discussion with the supervisor during the first meeting, it is very much important for you to develop an understanding of the working pattern of your supervisor.
The first question which you can ask from your supervisor during the first meeting could be related to what techniques or methods they use for work. By getting and analyzing the answer to such a question you will be able to judge whether you have made the selection of the right supervisor.
Secondly, you should have a discussion about problems with your supervisor at the time of the first meeting. During your first meeting with your supervisor, you should clearly state the objectives which you intend to achieve by writing a dissertation or thesis on a particular topic.
In the context of the professor or supervisor, it is very much important for them to develop an understanding that every type of researcher has unique expectations.
They also need to understand that ineffective communication can give rise to misunderstanding and might lead to confusion. Therefore, At the initial meeting, both supervisors and researchers should develop an understanding of each other needs, As these tactics will help both of them in developing a strong relationship with each other.
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b) Frequency of direct meeting, E-mail communication, the timing for meeting
During the first meeting, you should discuss the Frequency of direct meetings, E-mail communication, the timing for a meeting, etc. As both supervisors or professors and researchers might have expectations and preferences related to meetings and communication.
You should organize at least one meeting in a month with your professor. The decision related to the Number of the meeting which should be organized is completely dependent on the stage of the dissertation or thesis.
It is very much essential for the researcher to develop an understanding that the supervisor could have other problems because of which they might face difficulty in providing a quick response. In such a situation, you can ask for an estimated time for receiving feedback.
c) Time and length of the meeting
During the first meeting with your supervisor, you should discuss the timing and length of the meeting. This type of discussion is very much important as it will help both professors and researchers in preparing the schedule.
While making the decision related to the timing of the meeting you should consider the type of problem you intend to discuss in a specific meeting. It is very much important for you to decide the time of the next meeting at the end of the first meeting with the supervisor. You should spend approx.
Half an hour on the first meeting of you is with the supervisor. You should discuss a relevant point that you have highlight in your document.
d) Bilateral deadlines and Submission of Work
At the first meeting, you need to discuss the time intervals when you need to submit your written work. In simple words, you should discuss the deadline for submitting the draft of the work.
Researchers should prepare a list of problems that they should discuss during the meeting with the supervisor. In other words, you should prepare an outline of the meeting as it will help both of you in saving time.
e) Timing for feedback
You should discuss in a general meeting that how the feedback would be sent either it will be oral or written. After submission of written work, it is very much essential for the supervisor to provide a clear indication of the period when he or she will be able to provide feedback.
While giving the time for feedback professor needs to consider the scope and other commitments.
f) Research topic, research questions, and research methodology
During your first meeting with the supervisor, you can have discussions related to the research topic, questions, and methods. Researchers can take advice about the topic which they have selected for performing research.
The supervisor or dissertation advisor must respect the ideas and decisions taken by the researcher. You should also consider the advice or suggestions provided by your supervisor considering their experience.
g) Change of provisional supervisor, relationship with other professors and co-supervision
It is the first meeting that provides you with an opportunity for determining if the research project and interests of the supervisor and researcher are compatible. At the time of the first meeting, you should discuss the problems which you are facing in researching a specific topic.
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What preparation should be done for the first meeting with a supervisor?
The preparation of the first formal meeting with the Dissertation supervisor can include several things that differ from one student to another and also on the thesis.
Before having a meeting with the thesis supervisor, it is very much essential for you to gather a large amount of information about the person whom you have select as a supervisor.
You can perform such activity when making a selection of a thesis supervisor. Researchers can also perform investigations for gathering the work of the supervisor. By gathering the information about the dissertation supervisor you will be able to determine whether they have knowledge or expertise in the field on which you are performing research.
It has been concluded from the above that during the first meeting you can have an important discussion about save many things.
Another fact which has been found from the above is that the first meeting allows both researcher and professor to develop an understanding with each other which is crucial for working together and accomplishing desired goals.
Frequently ask questions
Ques 1. What should I discuss at the first meeting with the Dissertation Supervisor?
Ans: At the first meeting with your thesis supervisor you can discuss the research topic, objectives, questions, research methodology, findings, etc.
Ques 2. What preparation I should do before having a meeting with Ph.D. Supervisor?
Ans: Before attending a meeting with the dissertation supervisor you should gather information about them.
You should prepare a proper plan and make notes of things about which you want to have a discussion. For instance, If you want to discuss the research topic in the first meeting then you should first select some of the topics which you think are relevant to your field. You should also prepare a list of questions that you want to ask a Ph.D. supervisor.
Ques 3. What questions should I ask the Dissertation supervisor at the first meeting?
Ans: The questions you should ask from a Ph.D. supervisor are: You should ask a question about their educational background and experience in a particular field.
It is very much essential for you to ask your thesis supervisor about their working method. During the first meeting with your Dissertation supervisor, you should ask them about their expectation from researchers or scholars whom they are guiding.