Conceptual Framework: Moderator Variables

Last updated on: November 11, 2021 | George Orwell | 2332 views

Moderator is a third variable in the correlation analysis model which mainly affects the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Among the different types of variables in the conceptual framework, this variable addresses the circumstances where participants can get affected.

The moderator helps in analyzing the relationship between cause and effect. This type of variable significantly influences those components which establish a relationship between cause and effect. Moderator is the predictor variable. You can identify the moderator variable easily as it lies between the dependent and independent variables.

The main purpose of the moderator variable is to indirectly influence the dependent variable. Research questions with a moderating variable help in determining whether the relationship between the independent and dependent variable is influenced by the moderator variable or not. In order to identify the moderating variable, you need to perform multiple regression analysis.

For example, as per the opinion of American psychologists, a high level of stress has an influence on the physical health of men. Here, gender is a Qualitative variable which influences the powerlessness of the relationship between health status and stress.

Example Of A Moderator Variable

  • John is a person who has scored the highest marks in the exam. The justification which he gives for getting the highest marks is the extra time he has devoted to studying. In this example, it is clear that if Ben increases his studying hours then he will get more marks in the exam.
  • Let’s add a moderator that is IQ in a conceptual framework.It is the moderator “IQ” which will influence the relationship between cause and effect. In relation to the given example of Johnson, the moderator variable will influence the number of study hours.
  • In other words, the number of hours spends on the study has a positive influence on exam results Suppose Johnson studies twenty hours a day he could get a good score.
  • If the case moderator IQ is added 120 then he can achieve hundred percent results in the exam by spending 15 hours on studying.

For instance, the value of moderator (IQ) increased to one hundred and fifty, in such case Johnson is intelligent. Johnson has to spend 5 hours on studying.

The thing which is to be noted in the above example is that changes in the value have a significant influence on the relationship between two variables. If the IQ level of Johnson is high then he will need to study for a few hours.

Importance Of Conceptual Framework Moderating Variable

  • Moderator variables have great significance when the investigator intends to analyze whether there is a relationship between different variables.
  • This type of variable is important as it provides great detail about the interrelationship between different variables in Quantitative research.
  • Such types of variables are also essential as it provides information about the key characteristics which can make the relationship between different variables stronger or weaker.

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