7BSM2004: Demonstrate a critical awareness of current strategic issues facing managers in a chosen field. Understand how to apply a range of strategic tools: Strategic Management Assignment, UOL, UK

University University of Liverpool (UOL)
Subject 7BSM2004: Strategic Management
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of current strategic issues facing managers in a chosen field.
  • Understand how to apply a range of strategic tools, theoretical frames, and perspectives to enhance decision-making in a complex environment.
  • Demonstrate understanding of strategic options. and develop an ability to critically evaluate these in relation to the internal and external analyses of an organization.
  • Research, analyze, and evaluate information from a range of sources, synthesizing this to investigate the current issues in a business context that shape strategy formulation.
  • Critically evaluate the application, relevance, and impact of different approaches to strategic thinking within a business context.
  • Reflect on practical experiences of leadership or management, and how these impact organizational outcomes.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate ideas and findings in an effective manner through a range of methods.

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