A 27 year old woman, who had a previous history of one spontaneous abortion, was admitted to hospital: Clinical Haematology and Transfusion Science Case Study, UK

Subject Clinical Haematology and Transfusion Science Case Study

This is the case study: Case 1-1000 words

A 27 year old woman, who had a previous history of one spontaneous abortion, was admitted to hospital at 8 weeks of pregnancy suffering vaginal bleeding that resulted in the loss of her pregnancy. After her miscarriage, uterine malformations, hormonal abnormalities, chromosomal translocations, and infectious causes were excluded.

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Three months after her miscarriage, she was tested for thrombophilic disorders. The following test results were returned: Protein S activity 45.4% (normal range 70-120%) Protein C activity 95.2% (normal range 70-140%) Activated Protein C 0.7R (normal range 0.86-1.1R) Resistance (APCR) Antithrombin III 95.9% (normal range 75-125%) Homocysteine 10.07 umol/L (normal range 5.0-14.0 umol/L) Anti-nuclear antibody Positive Lupus anticoagulant Negative Anticardiolipin Antibody IgM Factor V Leiden G1691A Heterozygous MTHFR C677T Heterozygous Prothrombin G20210A Negative Summarise these findings, their relevance in pregnancy and a possible therapeutic approach that would allow this woman to have a successful pregnancy.

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