A reflective essay that addresses a societal effect of marketing practices & How does digital marketing affect the climate: E-marketing Coursework, CU, UK

University Conventry University
Subject E-marketing

A reflective essay that addresses a societal effect of marketing practices.

  • How does digital marketing affect the climate? Discuss, drawing on a specific example.
  • During Covid-19, digital technologies such as Zoom have ‘saved’ social interaction. Discuss the implications including the (potential) role of digital marketing.
  • In 2021, Facebook whistle-blower Frances Haugen expressed concerns about Facebook’s role in society, particularly in relation to spreading hate and involving children in platforms such as Instagram focused on ‘social comparison about bodies and lifestyle’. She asserts: “Facebook has been unwilling to accept even little slivers of profit being sacrificed for safety. And that’s not acceptable.” Discuss, focusing on a key example.
  • Discuss the capital logic of influencers and the effect on followers, using a specific influencer or type of influencer as an example.
  • Discuss the implications of overdependence on smartphones and/or digital technologies, using key examples and highlighting any potential solutions.
  • In 2010, Eric Schmidt presciently asserted, ‘‘It will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them’’. Evaluate the implications drawing a key example.
  • How does data fiction influence daily life and what can we do about it?
  • Apps like WeChat integrate all social media platforms and applications into one. Discuss the implications.
  • In May 2020, Mark Zuckerberg remarked of Twitter fact-checking Donald Trump’s tweets: “I just believe strongly that Facebook shouldn’t be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online”. Discuss.

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