Active Enquiry and Intervention: impacting upon Pupil Progress A report on the inquiry and its outcomes also includes a poster presentation: Critical Pedagogy Report, UOL, UK

University University of London (UOL)
Subject Critical Pedagogy

Active Enquiry and Intervention: impacting upon Pupil Progress

A report on the inquiry and its outcomes also includes a poster presentation to disseminate your findings to colleagues.

This report will be a reflection on your learning while undertaking the active inquiry. During your write-up for this assignment, you will have the opportunity to discuss and present your ideas and findings to the staff at UEL and to your peers and colleagues. This engagement with others is a central feature of much ‘action research’ and this dissemination of your findings will take the form of a formal poster presentation. This is seen to represent a notional 1000 words of the assessment and informs the reflective writing you undertake for the report itself. The format of the report is flexible but it must include:

  • a review of the theoretical framework you outlined in your proposal
  • a justification of your aims and objectives
  • a description of the methods you used
  • a presentation of your data/findings with a discussion of what they tell you
  • a discussion of the outcomes of your inquiry with appropriate conclusions.

At the very end of your report, we would like you to reflect on the significance of this inquiry and intervention for your future practice. We would also like this communicated to your peers/audience through your formal poster presentation.

Targets – You will need to end your report with targets for continued professional development based upon the research inquiry undertaken

A poster presentation even though you will not undertake the actual presentation until later in the year. You are being assessed on the MATERIALS and not on the act of delivery.

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