Analyse and evaluate the 2 key internal factors and 2 key external factors impacting: Talent Management Assignment, UCL, UK

University University Of Central Lancashire (UCL)
Subject Talent Management Assignment

The essay will be about Nike in the UK.

Drivers of Change: Analyse and evaluate the 2 key internal factors and 2 key external factors impacting the development of Talent in your selected organization (implying that the internal and external factors are linked, describe how they are interlinked). In your answer, you will address internal as well as external factors. The letter may consist of global, technological, societal, national, industry, and competitive factors amongst others that are set to impact on your selected organization. (1000 words).

Future work skills: Propose a set of key work skills that will be necessary in the future for your selected organisation to achieve their goals, compete effectively and thrive within the rapidly changing world of business and work. These work skills may be generic in nature and apply across the wider organisation or refer to particular groups of employees in the hierarchy or functional division of the business.Address upto 4 key future skills in your answer, providing clear justification for your selection informed by theory current research, and industry trends where applicable (1000 words

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