B51EM: This assignment is about the design of blades for a tidal turbine: Advanced Mechanics Of Materials I Assignment, WLC, UK

University Wigan & Leigh College (WLC)
Subject B51EM: Advanced Mechanics Of Materials I


This assignment is about the design of blades for a tidal turbine, Figure 1. Each blade is 12m long and the design calls for an extreme flapwise (orange) deflection of 1.5m and an extreme edgewise (green) deflection of 0.5m under the peak tidal stream.

The assignment is broken down into 3 parts
Part 1: Design of the material in Sector 3 for strength and stiffness (Analytical, 10%)
Part 2: FEA of blade (Numerical, 10%)
Part 3: Damage mechanics and durability (Analytical, 10%)

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