BB5112: Using clear notation, Identify the decision variables for this problem. Use these decision variables to formulate: Business Decision Modelling Assignment, KUL, UK

University Kingston University London (KLU)
Subject BB5112: Business Decision Modelling


  1. Using clear notation, Identify the decision variables for this problem.
  2. Use these decision variables to formulate the firm’s objective function, clearly stating what the objective is.
  3. Use the information in Tables 1 and 2 above to identify the constraints for this problem.
  4. Using what you have identified in 1-3 above formulate and present the complete linear programming model for this problem.
  5. Enter the linear programming model you have derived in 4 above into Solver to obtain the optimal solution to the problem.
  6. Extract the optimal solution from Solver and state the value of the objective function, and the values of the decision variables then summarise the results, making clear the contribution to the Total Rate of Return made by each investment alternative.
  7. Using Solver extract a Sensitivity Report for the problem.
  8. From the Sensitivity Report extract the slack and surplus variables and interpret their meaning.
  9. Using the results of the Sensitivity Report indicates whether the optimal solution to the problem is unique or if there are alternative optimal solutions. Give reasons for your answer.
  10. Present a brief interpretation of the ranging information on the objective function coefficients presented in the Sensitivity Report for this problem.
  11. Identify the shadow prices from the Sensitivity Report and interpret their meaning.
  12. Using the shadow price on the average length of investment indicates the impact on the objective function of increasing the length by 1 year. What is the upper limit of the availability of component 1 for which this shadow price is valid?
  13. What would be the impact of increasing the liquidity requirement by 1 percent? Give the reasons for your answer.

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