Bella is 4 months old and has attended ED with a cough and shortness of breath: MSc Child Nursing, Case study, KU,UK

University Kingston University(KU)
Subject MSc Child Nursing


Bella is 4 months old and has attended ED with a cough and shortness of breath.


Bella has been unwell for 3 days, has decreased feeding, coughing sometimes resulting in vomiting and a runny nose, and is irritable.


  • Airway patent
  • Respiration rate- 50bpm Use of accessory muscles- head bobbing, subcostal recession Saturations- 92% in the air- oxygen given via nasal cannula set at 2litres Chest auscultation- wheeze and crackles- nasal pharyngeal aspirate to test for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). Equal chests rise and fall
  • Heart rate- 136 bpm Blood pressure- systolic 85  Urine output- wet nappy changed before arrival to ED Cannula inserted Routine blood taken CRP-2 seconds
  • Alert (AVPU) BM- 4mmol GCS-15/15 PERL Temperature-37
  • No rashes, bruising, or wounds

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