Briefly contextualize your scenario and signpost this around the focus of your critical reflection: Mental Health And Wellbeing In Public Service Assignment, WGU, UK

Subject Mental Health And Wellbeing In Public Service


  • Briefly contextualize your scenario and signpost this around the focus of your critical reflection

Section 1: Factors that influence mental health and wellbeing:

  • Explore the link between physical and mental health
  • Assess social and psychological factors involved in your scenario
  • Review the PERMA model of wellbeing and evaluate how your emergency responder might benefit from it

Section 2: The value of early intervention:

  • Explore early warning signs of stress in your scenario and the ways in which the public service could offer support
  • Analyse how your emergency responder could benefit from early intervention

Section 3: Strategies to promote mental health & build resilience:

  • Appraise a local strategy that your emergency responder might use to cope with stress and a national strategy that the service might use to build resilience among its employees
  • Describe how your emergency responder’s mental health could be supervised and analyse the impact of policy in promoting emergency workers’ mental health more broadly.

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