BUS5006D: Evaluate and define the nature of the change process Evaluate, synthesize and apply a range of appropriate: Managing Change in Organisations Assignment, AU, UK

University Arden University
Subject BUS5006D: Managing Change in Organisations

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, you should be able to:

  1. Evaluate and define the nature of the change process.
  2. Evaluate, synthesize and apply a range of appropriate conceptual tools applicable to the management of change situations.
  3. Demonstrate an awareness of the process of change in organizations.
  4. Analyze the links between knowledge management, knowledge tracking, and knowledge migration in organizational/change management.
  5. Apply conceptual tools to professional practice.


  1. an organization that you have worked for
  2. one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search engines
  3. or basing your response on the case study organization you are required to display your understanding of the learning outcomes by submitting the Managing Change in Organisations assignment

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Question 1

Using examples from either:

  1. an organization that you have worked for
  2. one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search
  3. or basing your response on the case study organization

Question 2

Focusing on one of the examples you described in Question 1 identify the key
stakeholders and answer the following questions: How might senior management have identified the main areas of support or resistance to any planned change? Discuss how resistance to change should have been ideally managed

Question 3

Using examples from either:

  1. an organization that you have worked for
  2. one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search
  3. or basing your response on the case study organization

Question 4

Compare and contrast any two models that help senior managers to diagnose and plan change in their organization. Discuss their role in supporting the success of such processes.

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