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BUSI48907: Consultancy Project Experience- Critically analyse and understand organisational issues: Project Management, Essay, NTU, UK
University | Nottingham Trent University (NTU) |
Subject | Project Management |
- Apply knowledge creatively to critically analyse and understand organisational issues
- Write a literature review that shows knowledge and a critical understanding in an area relevant to the student’s route or programme
- Build a clear argument and draw appropriate and useful recommendations while adhering to specific terms of reference
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The review will be marked according to how well you have met the following five criteria:
1 Demonstrates an understanding of appropriate theoretical concepts An indication of what is being looked for:
the student effectively establishes the context for and significance of the issue and clearly identifies and understands the body of theory that is relevant for the subject under study. It is not necessary to present all theories, concepts, and models in full detail, rather the student should summarise the key areas and should assume that the reader is familiar with this material. The student should endeavour to present a reasoned case for why certain theories/models etc. are included/not included.
2 Demonstrates an ability to evaluate the literature and synthesize An indication of what is being looked for:
An analytical and evaluative review which compares, and contrasts differing schools of thought and assesses them to develop and interrelate concepts, reflecting the student’s own perspective. Arguments are well balanced and connections between concepts are demonstrated through the production of an appropriate conceptual framework.
3 Uses of a wide range of relevant literature An indication of what is being looked for:
The student uses a wide range of relevant literature to effectively support arguments and which provide a clear framework for exploring the topic area. This literature is assessed in a way which demonstrates an awareness of ‘accepted’ thinking in addition to current problems and new insights in the subject area.
4 The extent to which the review is coherent with a clear ‘voice’ and sense of direction An indication of what is being looked for:
The review is very readable; professionally written with a consistent, coherent structure and a balanced and clear line of argument. There is no repetition or source of confusion.
5 Presentation and referencing An indication of what is being looked for:
The work is consistently and clearly formatted, and it ties together tightly as one complete document. Harvard referencing is accurate throughout. For this assessment we require you to submit an individual version of your work into the Dropbox.
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