Task 3 – 800 words
Evaluate how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the rights of users of health and social care services.
: Evaluate the role of stakeholders in service
Task 2 – 600 words
Discuss how to promote the participation and independence of users of health and social care services.
: Linking to legislation, discuss how you can promote independence in serv
5. Understand the Inspection Process in Own Adult Care Service
Assessment Criteria:
5.1 Describe how the requirements of the regulations are met within own service.
5.2 Explain who needs to be aw
Written Task 1: (Up to 1000 words)
Title: Legislation and Statutory Guidance in Adult Care
Write a report outlining the current legislation and statutory guidance relevant
to a
AC 1.3 - Assess three employee voice tools and two approaches that might be used to drive employee engagement.
Firstly, note the numbers here. You must assess three employee voice tools
and two ap
AC 1.2 Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships.
This section is in two parts.
Firstly, you should differentiate between employee inv
AC 1.1 Review emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement.
There are a couple of things to note here.
Firstly, you are required to review emerging developments. T
Students are expected to produce a report that would address the questions listed in Table 1. It is worth to note that one/two sections may be linked to each other; therefore, read the sectio
ByteReads is an initiative from ByteLabs, a prolific Australian digital publishing firm. They are planning to launch an online bookstore and library that caters specifically to the UK ma
AC1.1 outline the range of required and recommended learning and development for teams in adult care
AC1.2 explain the differences between learning requirements and continuous professional developm