You are required to evaluate the nature and process of business and economic data from a range of different published sources: Business and Economic Data Evaluation and Analysis Report, UK

You have finished two cases and will submit a report to your line manager for further review. The first case is about an investment company considering expanding its business in the US. It requires
| 12th Nov 2022

Definition of the digital economy and the benefits it brings to consumers: Digital Economy and Competition Policy Report, UK

Your report should identify possible opportunities and challenges the emerging digital economy poses for competition policy by addressing the following: Definition of the digital economy and the
| 12th Nov 2022

ENG3036: Developing a mathematical model of the lateral dynamics of an aircraft approaching: Simulation Of Engineering Systems Report, UK

Aim Part 1 of this Simulation of Engineering Systems 3 Assignment involves the modeling, simulation, and validation of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) Lateral Beam Guidance System. This part of th
| 11th Nov 2022

business recovery after covid19 our Research scope involves conducting a research to identify workplace-related challenges in the industry: Unit11 Research Project Buisness recovery Hnd Level 5 Report, UK

a research project of 10000 words about business recovery after covid19 our Research scope involves conducting research to identify workplace-related challenges in the industry of your choice, caused
| 12th Oct 2022

5CO02: Your company is planning its forthcoming annual development event and the topic that the people practice team: Evidence-based practice Report, UK

Scenario Your company is planning its forthcoming annual development event and the topic that the people practice team will be showcasing is evidence-based practice. In readiness for this event you
| 12th Oct 2022

LFTE203: You have been asked to work alongside the Event manager at Excel London to plan for the forthcoming WTM: Event planning Report, US

Part 1  For the past twenty years, Excel London (Exhibition Centre London) has hosted numerous consumer and trade, private and public, including exhibitions, conferences, concerts, weddings, and r
| 10th Oct 2022

Review of the efficiency of solar photovoltaic technology and current developments in photovoltaics: Electro Mechanical Engineering Report, PSB Academy, UK

Students are required to write a 2500 words report on “Review of the efficiency of solar photovoltaic technology and current developments in photovoltaics”. You are required to conduct experime
| 29th Sep 2022

This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower: Business and Law Report, UOB, UK

This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower. Please read the following statement: “Traditionally known as the ‘Snitch” or the
| 29th Sep 2022

With the rapid and continuous advancement of technology specifically in the field of Artificial Intelligence, online shopping, product hunting: Managing a Successful Computing Project Report, UOB, UK

Unit Learning Outcomes L01 Establish project aims, objectives, and timeframes based on the chosen theme. L02 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering, and data collection to generate
| 28th Sep 2022

you have to build a Project Management Consultancy Report based on the Smart City OS case study: Management Report, TUM, UK

Assessment Brief For this assignment, you have to build a Project Management Consultancy Report based on the Smart City OS case study. THE SMART CITY OS CASE STUDY Hull’s journey to becomin
| 22nd Sep 2022