Choose an appropriate topic for your research project and discuss this with your tutor to agree on the focus of your work: Healthcare Research Paper, NU, UK

University Northumbria University
Subject Healthcare
  • Choose an appropriate topic for your research project, and discuss this with your tutor to agree on the focus of your work before undertaking any further activity. The topic you select can be from a list provided by your tutor or one that you have identified however in either instance the parameters should be negotiated and agreed upon with your tutor.
  • Using your wider reading on the subject, devise appropriate research aims and develop them into a research problem for the research project. This could take the form of a single question, terms of reference, or a hypothesis
  • Provide background and rationale supporting the reason or exploring the topic, which should also consider the feasibility and importance of the issues being addressed.
  • Describe the research method to be used give reasons for your choice, identify key stages in the process which should include research approach, sample size and type, data collection method, and data analysis approach.
  • Construct an intended timetable for the work which should include all of the planning stages.
  • Select a range of sources to be used in the proposed research through a literature search and explain why these have been chosen. Ensure these sources are accurately cited and included in the reference list.
  • Ensure that you address the ethical issues that may arise as a result of exploring this issue and undertaking the research. How would these be managed? What codes /regulations /legislation would inform this?
  • Use your plan to carry out your research activity. In discussion with your tutor, you may wish to revise your research proposal slightly in preparation for undertaking the investigation.
  • Collect data using the data collection tool(s) identified in your proposal.
  • Ensure that your work considers the reliability of the data collection tools and the validity of the findings throughout. How were the ethical considerations dealt with?  For example, but not exclusively: informed consent by any participants; confidentiality and privacy; use of information for your report and assignment. Did the proposal need to be considered by an ethics committee or panel?
  • Periodically report progress to your tutor, at arranged times, and with the tutor’s advice consider if any modifications to your research activity are needed.
  • Consider if key stages are being reached according to your intended timetable for the work and if necessary adjust the timetable, perhaps by revising a Gantt chart.
  • Analyze the data to establish the results obtained and consider the conclusions to be drawn from the work in relation to the aim(s) of the project and the research question or hypothesis being tested.  Consider if more data should be gathered, taking into account the finite time available to complete the work.
  • Prepare a report on your research project using a report format that should include: stating your research question /hypothesis, aim(s), etc.; how the work was carried out in relation to the intended methodology; any ethical issues that were addressed, and how;  summarising relevant data collected and your conclusions from the results. Depending on the research approach you have used and the type of data collected you may wish to present your data using graphs or charts
  • Include an evaluation of the research activity you have undertaken that identifies any limitations encountered and considers improvements in methodology for future work on a similar theme.

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