CIPD Level 3 3CO03: Demonstrate proactive approaches to developing, recording and reflecting on your professional knowledge, skills and experience: Core behaviours for people professionals, Assignment, UK

University Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Subject 3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals

Task Two – Professional Development

This task continues your professional review by requiring you to consider the impact of your chosen CPD activities on your performance and behaviours.

To complete the task, you are asked to provide a record of how you have proactively maintained and upgraded your knowledge and skills over the last 12 months, along with a review of the impact of these activities.

Demonstrate proactive approaches to developing, recording and reflecting on your professional knowledge, skills and experience.

Your record should be presented as an attachment to your assignment, either in the form of a formal/structured CPD Record or as pages from the CIPD ‘My CPD Reflections’ tool. (AC2.3)

Your record(s) must include the following:

(a) A description of three CPD activities, undertaken within the last 12 months, that you consider having impacted on your work performance or behaviours.

The three ‘activities’ may be anything that supported your development, for example: planned/formal development activities such as learning events or programmes; unplanned/informal activities such as researching online, watching a video, or reading a book; or work-based activities such as participating in a particular work project or simply putting yourself in a work role or position that you knew would stretch and develop you.

(b) And for each of these three activities, a reflection on how they have impacted your work performance or behaviours.

For example: did you gain a greater understanding of, or more knowledge about, something and if so, how has that impacted your behaviour?   How are you, or is your performance, different because of the learning undertaken?  Was the activity worth doing in terms of its impact on your behaviour or performance?  Did the activity make you aware of, or perhaps generate, other development needs? What conclusions did you draw from this for further activities?

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