COM0006NFBNM: Describe the evolving role of Cloud Computing within modern-day organizations from cloud computing service models’ point of view: Technology in organisation Assignment, AU, UK

University Arden University (AU)
Subject COM0006NFBNM: Technology in organisation

Question 1

Amazon is well known multinational business. A major investment strategy is in place to improve its ability to be more successful and achieve a competitive advantage by the use of information systems linked to Cloud Computing.

A) Describe the evolving role of Cloud Computing within modern-day organizations from the cloud computing service models’ point of view.

B) Discuss the key benefits organizations like Amazon gain after adopting Cloud Computing.

Question 2 

Suggest any three security requirements that any organization must implement and explain how a framework can be used by organizations for security and control of its data. Example required.

Question 3 

A) Choose an organization. Discuss some of the key networking infrastructures your choice of organization might use for everyday business operations.

B) Below is a spreadsheet from the Sales department of AllTech Group. It shows a forecast of revenue for a number of different countries for the next 4 quarters.

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