Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in your own area of specialism: Assignment, UOS, UK

University University of Southampton (UOS)
Subject Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Task A: Comparative activity

Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in your own area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learner needs.  You can produce this comparative activity in any written format of your choice; however, this activity lends itself to the use of tables charts or diagrams.

Task B: Planning activity

  1.  In preparation for your micro teach planning, explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources, and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs
  2. Considering the above, select the teaching and learning approaches, resources, and assessment methods and devise a plan for your micro-teach session.
  3. Using your plan, give reasons for your selection of teaching and learning approaches, resources, and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs.

Task C: Delivery and involvement in micro-teach

  • Using the plan you have devised, deliver your micro-teach ensuring that your teaching and learning approaches, resources, assessment methods, learner feedback, and communication meets individual learner needs.
  • Provide constructive feedback to your learners to meet their individual

Task D: Reflective account

  • Review the effectiveness of your delivery of inclusive teaching and learning by producing an account reflecting on:
  •  your own micro-teach experience
  • your tutor/assessors feedback
  • the reason provided in Task B, question c)
  • b)Identify areas for improvement in own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning

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