Complete a report to compare three academic sources to identify levels of relevance and application: Health wellbeing and social care, Assignment, UK

University Columbia Southern University (CSU)
Subject Health wellbeing and social care

Assignment Guidelines for Academic Writing Skills for Success 2 Task:

Complete a report to compare three academic sources to identify levels of relevance and application of information using the CRAAP Model discussing the implications of these to your topic.

The academic sources you analyse should be selected with a focus related to facilitators and barriers to Health and Social Care interventions. The three academic sources selected must be academic journal articles. These must focus on a topic within facilitators and barriers to health and social care interventions.

Only use EBSCO / pubmed for searching references Please remember to number your pages Word count 1500 (10% above or below e.g. 150 words, WRITE LAST)

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1. Introduction

  • Introduce the focus of the research on facilitators and barriers of Health and Social Care: MY topic : mental health awareness for teenage girls aged 13-19 in the uk interventions
  • Introduce the purpose of using the CRAAP model.
  • Outline the structure of your report
  • (suggested word count – up to 100 words).

2. Describe how you will search and select your academic journal articles. You could create a table of keywords you were using to retrieve the resources. What databases were you using for your search. (suggested word count – up to 100 words) Add keywords: words you searched in databases

3. For the 3 academic journal articles that you are going to use, complete the following CRAAP checklist to determine if the source is reliable (use supplementary questions from the source below if you need) HINT: This section is worth 25 marks so plan your word count accordingly (this section could be up to 500 w.)

CRAAP C: Currency: When was the source published? What study type is it? What are the strengths of that study type?

R: Relevance: What are the main results that are relevant to your chosen topic?

A: Authority: Who is the author and/or publisher? What are the author’s credentials or organisational affiliations?

A: Accuracy: Where does the information come from? Is the information supported with evidence? Can it be verified?

P: Purpose: How do the results of the study inform practice? What have we learnt about barriers and facilitators from this study?

4. What similarities and differences did the CRAAP checklist indicate between the three journal articles. (suggested word count – up to 100 words)

5. Compare and contrast the three journal article findings. This must be considered in terms of barriers and facilitators of Health and Social care topic of your choice.

HINT: This section is worth 25 marks so plan your word count accordingly (this section could be up to 500 w.)

6. Conclusion Reflect on your learning journey to detail: – How easy/difficult it was to find reliable academic resources in this research area? – What have you learnt from using the CRAAP checklist? – What were the main findings when researching the facilitators and barriers of health and social care interventions? (suggested word count – up to 200 words)

Reference list – Please follow OBU Harvard references guidelines This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 9/17/10 Evaluating Information – Applying the CRAAP Test Meriam Library California State University, Chico When you search for information, you’re going to find lots of it . . . but is it good information? You will have to determine that for yourself, and the CRAAP Test can help.

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