CP70042E: Write an essay to explore the network attacks and new access control challenges: Network and System Security (Level 7) Assignment, UWL, UK

University University of the West of London( UWL)
Subject CP70042E: Network and System Security

Assignment Task: Network and System Security

Big data and its threat analysis have been receiving great attention in the last few years. Adversaries are using various cyberattacks methods to exploit the vulnerabilities on the big data. That could result in enormous monetary loss and damage to organisational reputation and increased identity theft risks for individuals. Therefore, securing big data against unauthorised access and using threat analysis is an important topic to be explored.

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This assignment requires to write an essay to explore the network attacks and new access control challenges and approaches for securing big data. Your essay needs to cover the following aspects:
Q1: What are the big data attacks and its threat analysis?
Q2: What are the unique or new access control challenges for securing big data
Q3: What are the existing work approaches for securing big data? Critically discusses these approaches

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