Critically analyze how logistics and supply chain strategy can contribute to the competitiveness of an organization: Business management Assignment, UORL, UK

University University of Roehampton London(UoRL)
Subject Business & Management
  1. Critically analyze how logistics and supply chain strategy can contribute to the competitiveness of an organization.
  2. Critically evaluate the issues associated with the development of supply chain strategy
  3. Evaluate the interrelationships between supply chain and other areas of an organization Task “Eighty-five percent of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee.
  4. Critically analyze how logistics and supply chain strategy can contribute to the competitiveness of an organization following the growth in globalization.
  5. Critically evaluate the issues associated with the development of a supply chain strategy, identifying solutions based on good practice models
  6. Evaluate the interrelationships between the supply chain and other areas of an organization considering their importance to the success of a business
  7. Other relevant assessment information:
  • You will need to include and reference at least 8 different sources including 4 academic textbooks and 2 academic journals to help provide supporting evidence for any assertions that you make within your report
  • Your report should outline your research, judgments, as well as conclusions, are drawn. You should provide a range of evidence to demonstrate your understanding of key supply chain concepts, principles, and processes in a business context
  • Your project should be 4,000 words + or – 10%. All written work should be submitted online, through Turnitin. You must include both a reference list and a bibliography.
  • Written communication and research skills in the completion of assessments
  • Application of theory to organizational practice
  • Critical analysis and evaluation through exploration of case studies. MARKING CRITERIA Task Indicative Content Marking Your Report Clearly explores the process and operational delivery system that enables an organization to deliver its product/service to customers.

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