Critically discuss the relationship between exchange rates, interest rates, and prices using models of exchange rate determination: Finance and Economics Coursework, UOB, UK

University University of Brighton (UOB)
Subject Finance and Economics
  1. Learning Outcomes Covered
  • Critically discuss the relationship between exchange rates, interest rates, and prices using models of exchange rate determination.
  • Evaluate the determination of current account and international business co-movement.
  • Critically review the operation of the exchange rate systems.
  • Predict and critically assess the financial and macroeconomic impacts of exchange rate fluctuations and exchange rate policies.

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2. Coursework Question

The assignment consists of an empirical study cantering macroeconomic aspects of international finance. The required word count is 2,000 words in total excluding tables and graphs. A 10% + / − on the word limit is acceptable.

Please choose ONE of the following questions for your empirical study and prepare a 2,000-word written report. You should submit your dataset and computer program with the report for evaluation.

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