Critically examine and challenge relevant theories, conceptual models, and techniques relevant to the selected dissertation: Business Enterprise & Management Dissertation, UOS, UK

University University of Strathclyde (UOS)
Subject Business Enterprise & Management
  1. Critically examine and challenge relevant theories, conceptual models, and techniques relevant to the selected dissertation or research project topic.
  2. Undertake a negotiated self-managed major business and management project.
  3. Critically evaluate a negotiated self-managed major business and management project. Cognitive Skills
  4. Critically evaluate a decision in relation to a solution proposed within the project, considering commercial, ethical, and other factors. Practical & Professional Skills
  5. Participate effectively in learning activities and function effectively as an independent learner
  6. Critically evaluate and discuss the application of a range of methods to solve complex, multi-faceted problems
  7. Demonstrate the ability to consider enterprise and innovation during learning activities Key Transferable Skills
  8. Communicate clearly, fluently, and professionally using a variety of means.
  9. Select, apply, and evaluate numerical and statistical skills in more complex and open-ended business and management tasks.

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