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CS957 Research Methods Assessment Brief for MSc & PGDip Students (2024-2025)
University | University of Strathclyde (UOS) |
1. Learning outcomes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
2. Assessments Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
3 Module Expectations: Use of Gen-AI tools is unacceptable ……………………………………………………..2
4 Research Proposal (Summative Assessment)………………………………………………………………………….3
4a. Word count……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
4b. References……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
4c. Submission Process……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
4d. Research Proposal Template and Content Expectations: …………………………………………………….4
5. Submission Deadline………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
6. Marking criteria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
1. Learning outcomes
On completion of the formative and summative assessments in this module, you will have experience of:
• Defining a research problem based on reading relevant literature.
• Identifying and defining research questions which address the research problem.
• Setting objectives and defining deliverables which address the research questions and producing a project plan.
• Selecting appropriate research method(s) for undertaking the research.
• Identifying risks and associated contingencies for the successful delivery of a research project.
2. Assessments Overview
In the CS957 Research Methods module, you have one formative and one summative assessment to complete.
2a Formative assessment:
An online quiz in Week 9 of semester. Your mark will not impact on your overall PASS /FAIL mark for this module, but you must pass this quiz with a mark of at least 50% to release the submission link for the summative assessment. Multiple attempts at the quiz are allowed to achieve a passing mark of at least 50%. More information on the formative assessment will be shared ahead of Week 9 – please review MyPlace notices carefully to keep up to date with this information.
2b Summative assessment:
A written research proposal that will form the basis for the dissertation component of your MSc degree programme to be completed in Semester 3 (note – PGDip ILS students do not complete a dissertation but are required to write a research proposal for CS957 assessment purposes as per this briefing document). You will submit this proposal in Week 11 of semester 2. The tutorial activities for this module will help you to work on the assessment incrementally throughout the semester. Your research topic and the focus of your proposal will be based on your allocated project from the suggestions indicated in the topics list on the CS958 Myplace pages (arrangements for PGDip students will be communicated separately).
The aim of the proposal assessment is to provide you with practical experience of the preparation of a research proposal to enable you to maximise the time available for your dissertation in Semester 3 in the summer months of 2025.
You are permitted to have one 30-minute meeting with your allocated dissertation supervisor as you begin to write your proposal in Semester 2.
Your allocated supervisor will mark your proposal assessment submission.
The proposal assessment and therefore the CS957 module is marked on a PASS /FAIL basis. More information on this and your requirements are detailed in this document. Please read all the information in this resource carefully.
3 Module Expectations: Use of Gen-AI tools is unacceptable
The intent of this module is for students to develop an understanding of key research concepts and a critical understanding of their own research proposal. Students are expected to critically apply key concepts of research both within their proposal writing and throughout their actual dissertation in Semester 3 (NB PGDip students do not complete a dissertation).
As such, all assessment for CS957 Research Methods should be completed by students
themselves and must not make use of material generated through ChatGPT or other generative AI tools. Students who make use of ChatGPT or other generative AI tools
will be reported and investigated for suspected academic misconduct and this may impact not only their marks for CS957 Research Methods, but could have wider implications on their degree progress.
4 Research Proposal (Summative Assessment)
For the summative assessment for CS957 Research Methods, you are required to prepare a structured proposal for a three-month research project.
Your proposal must follow the layout and structure of the provided template described under section 4d Research Proposal Template and Content Expectations.
The marking criteria is based on your ability to demonstrate the expected competencies in each required proposal section.
The marking criteria have been specified according to the proposal template – so if you follow the template and address the specified assessed competencies, the greater your chances of achieving an overall pass for this assessment.
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4a. Word count
Your proposal must be 3000 words long +/- 10% and you must provide the word count on the assessment front cover.
Your assessment front cover, contents page, figures, tables, diagram and reference list do not count within these 3000 words +/- 10%.
If your proposal is over 3300 words, you will not receive any marks for content beyond this limit as it will not be assessed by the markers.
If your proposal is under 2700 words, you will receive marking penalties as it will be challenging for you to address the assessed competencies effectively in less than 2700 words.
4b. References
You must use a referencing style fully and consistently for both in-text citations and your reference list. Please review the helpful and detailed information on the Library website about referencing, including details and examples of different referencing styles and formats: https://guides.lib.strath.ac.uk/referencing_guide/home
The most common referencing styles you are likely to use in CIS disciplines are ACM, Harvard, Vancouver, IEEE or Chicago. Regardless of which style you adopt, you must use it consistently and correctly throughout your proposal for both in-text citations and your provided reference list at the end of your proposal.
4c. Submission Process
This is an individual assignment.
Assessments will only be accepted electronically via Myplace as one single Word or PDF file on the CS957 Module Myplace submission link. All assessments will go through Turnitin.
You can submit a draft copy to Myplace before submitting the final version.
However, it is your responsibility to press SUBMIT on Myplace to send the final version of your proposal document for marking (i.e. do not leave at DRAFT status). You must do this.
The assessment will be subject to the University’s plagiarism and academic dishonesty policies.
Please familiarise yourself with the student information booklet on plagiarism from the University of Strathclyde.
Please familiarise yourself with the academic dishonesty guidance from the University of Strathclyde.
4d. Research Proposal Template and Content Expectations:
Your proposal content must be presented in the specified order, as outlined below under headings 1 – 6. Sections and pages must be numbered. You can use sub-headings to help organise your material under each section if required.
1. Introduction and Literature Review
In this section, you are expected to do the following:
• Clearly articulate the topic for your specific project.
• Demonstrate a thorough and critical understanding of literature relevant to your specific project.
• Effectively identify research gaps from the literature review which your specific project will address.
2. Research aim, objectives and research questions
In this section, you are expected to do the following:
• Clearly articulate a research aim appropriate for your specific project.
• Clearly articulate research objectives appropriate for your specific project.
• Clearly articulate research questions relevant to and appropriate for your specific project.
3. Research Methods
In this section, you are expected to do the following:
• Select an appropriate research methodology to address the research objectives and research questions for your specific project.
• Explain what methods are appropriate for you to use and why to undertake your specific project.
• Justify why the methods you have selected to undertake your research project are appropriate for your specific project.
• Describe and justify why the data analysis approaches you have selected are
appropriate for your specific project.
4. Research plan and deliverables
In this section, you are expected to do the following:
• Provide an appropriate timeline of activities via a tabled time-plan or Gantt chart for your specific project.
• Provide a risk analysis for successfull completion of your specific project and
describe appropriate contingency plans.
• Appropriately specify and address any ethical issues relating to your specific
• Identify deliverables appropriate for your specific project.
5. Referencing In this section, you are expected to do the following:
• Demonstrate an ability to adhere to in-text citation reference best practices
consistently for your chosen recognised referencing style.
• Include an appropriately organised and structured reference list relevant to your chosen recognised referencing style.
• Include DOI numbers for each of the cited published journal papers / books / book chapters in your proposal in your reference list.
6. Overall presentation
• Submit a well-organised proposal with a logical progression of ideas for your
specific project.
• Submit a cover sheet that includes your information as appropriate to these
Headings: Research Project Title, Student Name, Student Registration Number, Degree Programme Name, Date of Submission, Word Count.
• Submit a proposal that meets the specified brief of 3000 words +/- 10% (Excluding assessment front cover, contents page, figures, tables, diagram and reference list)
To pass each individual proposal section (headings 1 – 6 above), you are required to demonstrate at least two of its expected competencies to achieve an overall pass for that section of the proposal.
To achieve an overall PASS mark for this assessment and therefore gain the 10- credits for this module, you are required to pass a minimum 5 out of the 6 sections specified in this template and associated marking criteria.
5. Submission Deadline
Monday 31st March 2025 by 4pm UK time, submitted through Myplace.
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6. Marking criteria
Please note, allocated markers will use this set of specified marking criteria to mark your proposal assessment. The marking criteria align to the specified template requirements outlined in your assessment brief.
Important: You are required to demonstrate at least two of the expected
competencies in each proposal section outlined below to achieve an overall pass for that section of the proposal.
Important: You need to pass at least five of the six proposal sections to pass the CS957 Research Methods proposal assessment overall.
Proposal Section | Expected Competencies | Demonstrated Yes / No |
1. Introduction and Literature review: | Has the student clearly articulated the topic for their specific project? | Yes / No |
Has the student demonstrated a thorough and critical understanding of literature relevant to | Yes / No | |
their specific project? | ||
Has the student effectively identified from the literature review research gaps which their specific project aims to address? | Yes / No | |
1. Section 1 overall outcome: | Pass Fail | |
2. Research aim, objectives and research questions | Has the student clearly articulated a research aim appropriate for their specific project? | Yes / No |
Has the student clearly articulated research objectives appropriate for their specific project? | Yes / No | |
Has the student clearly articulated research questions relevant to and appropriate for their specific project? | Yes / No | |
2. Section 2 overall outcome: | Pass Fail | |
3. Research methods | Has the student selected an appropriate research methodology to address the research objectives and research questions for their specific project? | Yes / No |
Has the student explained what methods are appropriate for them use and why to undertake their specific project? | Yes / No | |
Has the student justified why the methods they have selected to undertake their research project are appropriate for their specific project? | Yes / No | |
Has the student described and justified why the data analysis approaches they have selected are appropriate for their specific project? | Yes / No | |
3. Section 3 overall outcome: | Pass Fail | |
4. Research plan and deliverables | Has the student provided an appropriate timeline of activities via tabled time-plan or Gantt chart for their specific project? | Yes / No |
Has the student provided a risk analysis for successful completion of their specific project and have they described appropriate contingency plans? | Yes / No | |
Has the student appropriately specified and addressed any ethical issues relating to their specific project? | Yes / No | |
Has the student identified deliverables appropriate for their specific project? | Yes / No | |
4. Section 4 overall outcome: | Pass Fail | |
5. Referencing | Has the student demonstrated an ability to adhere to in-text citation reference best practices consistently for their chosen recognised referencing style? | Yes / No |
Has the student included an appropriately organised and structured reference list relevant to their chosen recognised referencing style. | Yes / No | |
Has the student included DOI numbers for each of the cited published journal papers / books / book chapters in their reference list? | Yes / No | |
5. Section 5 overall outcome: | Pass Fail | |
6. Overall presentation | Has the student submitted a well-organised proposal with a logical progression of ideas for their specific project? | Yes / No |
Has the student submitted a cover sheet that includes their information as appropriate: Research Project Title, Student Name, Student Registration Number, MSc Programme, Date of Submission, Word Count. | Yes / No | |
Has the student submitted a proposal that meets the specified brief of 3000 words +/- 10% (Excluding the assessment front cover, contents page, figures, tables, diagram and reference list)? | Yes / No | |
6. Section 6 overall outcome: | Pass Fail | |
Pass Fail | ||
Markers, please provide a maximum of 3 feedback comments to the student on their proposal: 1. 2. 3. |
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