Cyber Security Research Funding Proposal – Guidelines & Requirements, Research Paper

University University of West London (UWL)
Subject Cyber security

2.1 Requirements

Your funding proposal of a maximum (2000 words excluding appendices) must include the following contents.

A Cover Page

  1. A Research Problem with Commercial Potential – (10 marks)
  2. Related Works and Gap Analysis – (20 marks)
  3. Your Contribution (45 marks):
    • Design and Description – (15 marks)
    • Implementation Strategy – (15 marks)
    • Commercialisation Strategy – (15 marks)
  4. Documentation Standard – (10 marks)A properly formatted latex document prepared using Overleaf with a cover page with your name, student ID, research theme, research title and module details. The in-text citations and list of references using UWE Harvard Style are mandatory where applicable.Generate the document (pdf version) using Overleaf and submit it via the Blackboard assessment submission link. Documentation standard also requires you to submit a separate document of a Turnitin similarity index report generated using Turnitin Draft Coach. The use of Overleaf and Turnitin Draft Coach will be demonstrated during the assignment clinic in the teaching week 6.


5. Budget Plan – (15 marks)

Create a table with cells such as Item No, Description, Budget Allocation, Justification or relevance to research.

Note: The budget plan does not count towards the total word limit.

Mark criteria on pages 6 and 7 provide details on the expected work in each section of the funding proposal.

Section 3: Deliverables

ItemDetailDate & Submission Mechanism
1Funding Proposal: A well-formatted .pdf document of a maximum (2000 words excluding appendices) addressing the requirements stated in section 2.Submit using the Blackboard link by the due date and time specified in Dates on page 1.
2Turnitin Similarity Index Report. Refer to page 8 for more details.Submit using the same Blackboard link but as a separate document.

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Section 4: Marking Criteria

Your assessment will be marked according to the following marking criteria. You can use these to evaluate your work before you submit it.

Background research (30 marks)

A Research Problem with Commercial Potential – (10 marks)

7 – 10: Critically discussed with technical depth focusing on a well-justified and significant cyber security problem related to the selected topic with justification on commercial potential.

6: A well-justified research-driven problem with commercial potential properly identified and discussed but with weak analysis.

5: A valid research problem was given but with major flaws in the discussion, such as missing out on the commercial potential, justification and critical analysis.

0 – 4: Irrelevant research problem with inappropriate justification and citations. Not closely related to the given research themes.

14 – 20: Critically analysed related works (at least 10 closely related contributions from good quality journals and conferences) and reported with best scholarly practices to identify and justify the gap/limitations of the current research in relation to the proposed solution and problem.

12 – 13: Minor omissions in the analysis of literature reported to identify and justify the gap/limitations of the current research in relation to the proposed solution and problem.

10 – 11: Major omissions in review and analysis of the existing related work contributions. Identified some literature gaps.

0 – 9: Insufficient literature reviewed with major flaws, inappropriate referencing/citations and missing discussion on the significant areas and LR gaps.

Your contribution (60 marks)

Design and Description -(15 marks)

11 – 15: Well-justified, realistic and novel solution that contributes to the existing cyber security research in the selected domain, properly designed and reported.

8 – 10: Minor omissions in the proposed solution design and its discussion, and has some novelty or contribution to the existing research.

7: Appropriate solution proposed but with a questionable or unjustified novelty.

0 – 6: Irrelevant proposed solution, not closely aligned with the research problem and having minimum or no contribution, novelty and significance

Note: Your proposed solution design can be a diagram, algorithm, pseudocode, mixture of these or any other appropriate form.

Implementation Strategy – (15 marks)

11 – 15: Excellent discussion of the implementation strategy with clear mention of the lower-level technical details.

8 – 10: Good discussion of the implementation strategy but minor omissions in the technical details.

7: Appropriate discussion of the implementation strategy but major omissions in the technical details.

0 – 6: Irrelevant or unclear implementation strategy with major omissions and unclear technical details.

Commercialisation Strategy – (15 marks)

11 – 15: Applied a proven research approach to discuss commercial strategy and the significance of the proposed solution with proper discussion.

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8 – 10: Discussed the commercial strategy and significance of the proposed solution with minor problems in the justification or reasoning.

7: Commercial strategy and significance are properly discussed but not closely related to the proposed contribution and not based on research.

0 – 6: Inappropriate or flawed approach to discuss the commercialisation strategy and significance of the proposed contribution.

Budget Plan – (15 marks)

11 – 15: Excellent table of budget plan with clear distribution and justification of costs and perfectly aligned with the research.

8 – 10: Good table of budget plan relevant to research but contains minor omissions.

7: Appropriate budget plan relevant to research but major omissions.

0 – 6: Largely inappropriate or irrelevant budget plan.

Progress Updates (10 marks)

Documentation Standard – (10 marks)

Marks on this criterion will be awarded using the following breakdown.

5: A properly formatted latex .pdf document prepared using Overleaf containing a cover page with your name, student ID, research theme, research title, module details, and appropriate citations and referencing style.

5: For the submission of Turnitin similarity index report generated using Turnitin Draft Coach.

Section 5: Feedback Mechanisms

Apart from the final feedback you will receive after the submission and marking have been completed, you will have two opportunities to receive verbal feedback on this assessment, which will be provided during the seminar sessions of weeks 8 and 10. Refer to the module information tab on the Blackboard for further details on the teaching schedule.

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Section 6: Appendices

6.1 Completing your assessment

Where should I start?

Start by selecting a research theme and narrow down your research to a specific cyber security problem. Find additional papers relevant to the mentioned problem and identify literature gaps. You will have sufficient findings to complete the remaining assessment requirements at that stage.

What do I need to do to pass?

To achieve a minimum pass, you are expected to at least analyse and synthesise existing information and produce some new knowledge with basic elements of novelty. Refer to the marking criteria and achievement of the minimum mark of 50%.

How do I achieve high marks in this assessment?

To achieve higher marks, you are expected to produce interesting insights, draw new conclusions and create new knowledge from all aspects of the work. You must identify a narrowed down and justifiable research problem and critically summarise the literature review contribution to identify gaps. Moreover, the novelty of your contribution and the commercial aspects of your research are essential to secure a distinction score. Refer to the marking criteria and the characteristics of work that achieves 70%+. Working by considering the marking criteria is key to success.

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How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?

We discussed research in various cyber security domains during the lecture sessions and analysed selected papers from these topics to identify research problem areas and literature gaps to form ideas for producing new contributions. Moreover, during the seminars, we applied best practices to analyse research. These teaching and learning activities are closely related to the assignment because you are required to conduct research but with slightly different requirements.

What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?


What do I do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?

UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this link, and both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.

For further information, please see the Academic Survival Guide.

6.2 Assessment Content

In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy), word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures and diagrams, quotes, lists.

6.3 Assessment Offences

How do I avoid an Assessment Offence on this module?

You must submit original work with appropriate references and citations using Harvard-style referencing guidelines. Strictly follow the UWE academic integrity policy and guidelines to avoid plagiarism, cheating, collusion and other forms of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is one of the common assessment offences to commit in completing this assignment. You are advised to avoid plagiarism and other assessment offences. Here are some useful resources on how to avoid plagiarism, how to reference and avoid plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarism and assessment offences.

You must submit a Turnitin report for this assignment together with your report. Your report should not have a more than 10% similarity index, excluding references. You can use the Turnitin Draft Coach to generate a similarity index report. Your tutor will demonstrate the use of Turnitin Draft Coach and Overleaf during the assignment clinic and its recording will be uploaded to the Assessment -> Assessment Specification and Guidelines folder on the Blackboard module site.

Moreover, all the research findings must be properly cited and referenced. Not doing so will result in the deduction of marks in each section and may lead to violating research ethics or committing an assessment offence.

UWE Bristol’s UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy requires that you submit work that is entirely your own and reflects your own learning. It is important to:

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  • Ensure that you reference all sources used, using the UWE Harvard system. Use the guidance available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
  • Avoid copying and pasting any work into this assessment, including your own previous assessments, work from other students or internet sources
  • Develop your own style, arguments and wording. Avoid copying and changing individual words but keeping essentially the same sentences and/or structures from other sources
  • Never give your work to others who may copy it
  • If you are doing an individual assessment, develop your own work and preparation. Do not allow anyone to make amendments to your work (including proof-readers, who may highlight issues but not edit the work).

When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own. Text-matching software and other methods are routinely used to check submissions against other submissions to the university and internet sources. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding plagiarism.

6.4 Use of Generative AI (ChatGPT or similar)

You can use Generative AI in this assignment to understand concepts, check spelling and grammar. You should not use GenAI to complete this assignment’s research work or other core requirements.

6.5 Guidance on Referencing (inc AI):

Please note that the aim of referencing is to demonstrate you have read and understood a range of sources to evidence your key points. You need to list the references consistently and in such a way as to ensure the reader can follow up on the sources for themselves. For this assignment, you are required to use UWE Bristol Harvard Referencing. You may also find these link useful Referencing – Study skills | UWE Bristol and Using generative AI at UWE Bristol – Study skills | UWE Bristol.

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