Define and then briefly discuss FIVE of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems and policies: Politics Essay, UOC, UK

University University Of Cambridge (UOC)
Subject Politics
  • Define and then briefly discuss FIVE of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems and policies a state following the ideology would mostly set up and uphold, and what the main positive and negative outcomes might be.
    a. Liberalism
    b. Socialism
    c. Conservatism
    d. Fascism
    e. Communism
    f. Anarchism
  • Describe the distinguishing features of a state that can be categorized as each of the following. Provide at least one actual current example of each.
    a. Democratic state
    b. Hybrid state
    c. Autocratic state
    d. Totalitarian state
    e. Failed state

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